124 Soul Liberating Poems of Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

Book 124 Soul Liberating Poems of Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

124 Soul Liberating Poems of Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

Год выхода 2017
IF WORLD IS PERFECT, WHY NOT ALL HAPPY?Is not a place that’s perfect—heavenly?How some even dream of eternity,when even heaven is no guarantee.HOW BE HAPPY? BE FREED FROM ENEMIES:“Freed from evil’s lies and hypocrisies,freed from wrong views and assumptions in life,freed from wrong values adopted in life.TILL YOU’RE NOT FREED, LIFE IS A MISERY;matters not, though you have all the money.The enemies are not those around thee,the greatest one is right there within thee.WELCOME TO THIS BOOK OF EXPOSITION,of motivation and world correction.May you enjoy every word there in all;may they lift your heart, liberate your soul!I AM RODOLFO MARTIN VITANGCOL,all thoughts herein penned under my control,of a human race by God’s selection,to liberate man’s soul my sworn mission.Amen.

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol