A Developed Prophetic Perspective: A Fresh Look at Prophetic Operations from a Kingdom Viewpoint

Book A Developed Prophetic Perspective

A Developed Prophetic Perspective: A Fresh Look at Prophetic Operations from a Kingdom Viewpoint

Год выхода 2004
During a time of crisis and God’s intensified dealings with the nations of the earth, our insight into the meaning of events must increase. We must see beyond earthly reality and turn our eyes more towards God in order to gain true understanding. We cannot rely upon insight that comes from man’s intelligence and his rational thinking systems, nor can we depend on the narrow function of a prophetic order that is primarily gift based. The prophetic has to become a more broad and holistic system of insight: insight that is historically analytical to open the eyes to the dealings of God regarding process and history, insight into the impending events and conditions which empower us to live with certainty in the present, and wisdom to take strategic action based on what will be so the will of God comes to pass and is not aborted. To equip the church to interact with the nations on a more credible and sustained level, we need a developed prophetic perspective!

Noel Woodroffe

Noel Woodroffe

Scott Webster

Scott Webster