A Dream Not Imagined

Book A Dream Not Imagined

A Dream Not Imagined

Год выхода 2015
A Maid, a Prince, and a Duke. A Gardener, a Stepmother, and a secret... Ellie Abbington, a beautiful yet unassuming young woman, quietly longs for her life to change. Too privileged to associate with the servants—too underprivileged to associate with her own family; she dreams a dream of a prince and a happily ever after. But it could be that her own stepsisters, conniving Dezmarie and easily-influenced Adelaide, are dreaming the same dream...of the same prince. In the end, are dreams even all they're made out to be? Especially with deep and long-hidden secrets about to be unearthed? A Dream Not Imagined is a non-magical fairytale novella based loosely on the classic tale of Cinderella.

Shantelle Mary Hannu

Shantelle Mary Hannu