Christianity prostituted God’s name into a most lucrative business, under the guise of spreading the Gospel of Christ

Book Christianity prostituted God’s name into a most lucrative business, under the guise of spreading the Gospel of Christ

Christianity prostituted God’s name into a most lucrative business, under the guise of spreading the Gospel of Christ

Год выхода 2019
God is life, not money. Never ever will God be needing or asking for money. He owns the whole world, why will he. Worship God with life, not with money.Any church that demands contributions or tithes from her faithful, saying that they are God’s share, and yet that very God’s share did not go to God but to the satisfaction of her self-esteem, greed, and flesh is prostituting—not worshiping—the Holy Name of God.The true Church of Jesus exists to bring life to the world. And there will be no life in this world for as long as there is poverty and oppression in our world. For this, she shall seek out all wealth and power and truth to liberate the poor and oppressed from the clutches of the evil world. Therefore, any money given to the church that did not go to serving the cause of the poor and oppressed in our world is money that went to church, never to God.Amen.

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol