DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore

DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore
Год выхода 2006
Don't miss this extensive collection featuring the World's Greatest Super-Heroes as interpreted by one of the most acclaimed authors in comics.The work of Alan Moore ('Watchmen', 'V for Vendetta', 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen') in the DC Universe during the 1980s is considered a benchmark for great stories with fresh approaches to iconic characters. Collected in this volume—which no comics fan should be without—are all of Moore's Superman and Batman stories, including Action Comics #583, Batman Annual #11, Batman The Killing Joke, DC Comics Presents #85, Detective Comics #549-550, Green Lantern #188, The Omega Men #26-27, Secret Origins #10, Superman #423, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 & 3, Supermaqn Annual #11 and Vigilante #17-18.