Field Work

Field Work
Год выхода 1979
"Field Work," which first appeared in 1979, is a superb collection of lyrics and narrative poems from one of the literary masters of our time. As the critic Dennis Donoghue wrote in "The New York Times Book Review": "In 1938, not a moment too soon, W. B. Yeats admonished his colleagues: 'Irish poets, learn your trade.' Seamus Heaney, born the following year, has learned his trade so well that it is now a second nature wonderfully responsive to his first. And the proof is in "Field Work," a superb book . . . [This is] a perennial poetry offered at a time when many of us have despaired of seeing such a thing." Seamus Heaney received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995. His recent translations include "Beowulf" and "Diary of One Who Vanished"; his recent poetry collections include "Opened Ground" and "Electric Light." "Field Work," which first appeared in 1979, is a superb collection of lyrics and narrative poems from one of the literary masters of our time. As the critic Dennis Donoghue wrote in "The New York Times Book Review": "In 1938, not a moment too soon, W. B. Yeats admonished his colleagues: 'Irish poets, learn your trade.' Seamus Heaney, born the following year, has learned his trade so well that it is now a second nature wonderfully responsive to his first. And the proof is in "Field Work," a superb book . . . [This is] a perennial poetry offered at a time when many of us have despaired of seeing such a thing." "Heaney is keyed and pitched unlike any significant poet now at work in the language, anywhere."--Harold Bloom, "The Times Literary Supplement" "For all the qualities I list, the most important is song [and] the tune Heaney sings [is] poetry's tune, resolutions of cherished language."--Donald Hall, "The Nation"