Gun Control & The Second Amendment 2nd Edition Revised & Expanded

Book Gun Control & The Second Amendment 2nd Edition Revised & Expanded

Gun Control & The Second Amendment 2nd Edition Revised & Expanded

Год выхода 2014
Byron Goines delivers irrefutable truth in the revised and expanded 2nd Edition of Gun Control and the Second Amendment, debunking the pro-gun facet myth of the Second Amendment being for individuals to have the right to bear arms in order to rise up against a tyrannical government. The 2nd Edition contains much more information laid out in a straightforward format that will unequivocally prove the truth about the Second Amendment and lay to rest once and for all the false Second Amendment claims made by pro-gun facets of society. Byron Goines pulls out all of the stops in this book as he delivers a rebuttal to claims commonly made by pro-gun facets of society, and as a result the 2nd Edition of Gun Control and the Second Amendment is packed with information that can be utilized to win a debate on the subject of the Second Amendment. This is a must-read for everyone seeking to learn the truth about the Second Amendment and for those who wonder where pro-gun facets of society obtain their tyrannical government theory they attempt to utilize in order to lay individual claim to the Second Amendment.

Byron Goines

Byron Goines