Ibsen: The Complete Major Prose Plays

Ibsen: The Complete Major Prose Plays
Год выхода 1978
This collection ranges from the impassioned exposure of hypocrisy and deception in "Pillars of Society" to the near-dreamline symbolism of "When We Dead Awaken." The treatments of the role of women in "A Doll House"; of family guilt in "Ghosts; " of sexuality in "Rosmersholm; " of the individual vs. society in "An Ememy of the People; " of the equally potent and poignant themes of the other plays - all continue to strike live nerve-endings of contemporary concern and sensibility. Here, then, are the masterpieces of a writer and thinker who blended detailed realism with a startlingly bold imagination, infusing prose with poetic power, and drama with undying relevance and meaning.