On the Genealogy of Morals / Ecce Homo

Book On the Genealogy of Morals / Ecce Homo

On the Genealogy of Morals / Ecce Homo

Год выхода 1967
The Genealogy of Morals consists of three essays exploring morality and its origins where Nietzsche makes ample use of his training as a philologist. These works contain Nietzsche's most thorough and clear expression of his psychological philosophy. This edition includes Ecce Homo, Nietzsche's review of his life and works, with the exception of The Antichrist. These two books are compiled, translated and annotated by renowned Nietzsche scholar Walter Kaufmann.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche

Walter Kaufmann

Walter Kaufmann

R.J. Hollingdale

R.J. Hollingdale