The Church and The Tithe Debate

The Church and The Tithe Debate
Год выхода 2018
"The Church" and "The Tithe Debate" (2 Book Box Set)Audible Audiobook: Kindle: One:Find out what the Church is as Byron Goines gives an exposition on the Biblical definition of the word Church. Many have a false concept of the Church based upon man's concept of the Church, which is not scriptural when analyzed in accordance with the New Testament. So-called preachers have utilized the false concept of the Church to become wealthy off the backs of hardworking people whom they have locked into a mindset that is built on deception. Find out what the Church is as Byron Goines gives an exposition on the Biblical definition of the word Church.Many have a false concept of the Church based upon man's concept of the Church, which is not scriptural when analyzed in accordance with the New Testament. So-called preachers have utilized the false concept of the Church to become wealthy off of the backs of hardworking people whom they have locked into a mindset that is built on deception. Find out whether or not you have been deceived as to the definition of the word Church through a thorough analyzing of New Testament scriptures in this powerful audiobook written by Byron Goines.Book Two:Learn how to engage in a debate on the subject of the tithe in a powerful book written by Byron Goines. This audiobook will thoroughly inform listeners on the subject of the tithe through the utilization of a debate style format which includes the pro-tithe side and a rebuttal by Byron Goines. The audiobook also includes a "Tithe Debate Tools" section, which is a valuable tool for anyone who may enter into a debate on the subject of the tithe. This is a must-listen for everyone seeking to learn the truth about the tithe.