Das Sacher. In bester Gesellschaft
Das Sacher. In bester Gesellschaft
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The legendary hotel, still the epitome of the Viennese way of life, becomes the setting for a multifaceted social drama in the historical multi-part series "Das Sacher. In the best company". In closely interwoven strands that create a modern genre mix of melodrama and custom paintings, crime and thriller elements, a chronicle of the splendor and decline of old Austria is told along the moving lines of life of the protagonists. While the butcher's daughter Anna Sacher made the hotel the most important meeting point of the kuk elite around 1900, a complicated ménage à quatre unfolds between her guests, a couple of publishers from Berlin and an Austro-Hungarian noble family. At the same time, a dark secret emerges in the catacombs of the nearby opera, and with the upheavals of the new century, the harbingers of a war appear that will change Europe forever.