Star Trek: The Next Generation: Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge
Дата выхода
The USS Enterprise-D has docked at Starbase 74 to undergo repairs to a damaged computer core that has been causing low-level malfunctions. The ship is practically empty, because Captain Jean-Luc Picard has granted shore leave to all personnel. The only people on the ship are the Starbase engineering team (the players) assigned to repairs. Before the repairs are complete, Kavok, a Klingon who believes the Federation–Klingon alliance has made the Empire weak, hijacks the Enterprise and sets a course for the Klingon homeworld (Qo'noS), where he plans on using the Enterprise to start a war between the two space-faring powers. The objective of the game is to regain control of the Enterprise and stop Kavok's plan. To do so, players will need to secure access to five levels of the main computer, obtain a phaser from Security, and successfully crawl down a Jeffries tube to access the Bridge, all within the 60 minutes before the ship reaches the Klingon home world.