Lisandro Alonso
1975 (49 лет)Alonso has directed five feature-length films, all of which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, and two short films. These films have been shown in cinemas, film libraries, international film festivals, and museums. His feature film Jauja (2014) won a FIPRESCI Prize at the 67th annual Cannes Film Festival. In 2014, the Film Society of Lincoln Center named Alonso as its Filmmaker in Residence.
Lisandro Alonso
Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni
Alaina is tired of being a police officer in the Pine Ridge Reservation, and decides to stop answering her radio. Her niece Sadie spends a long night waiting for her, to no avail. Hurt, she decides to begin her journey with the help of her grandfather: she will fly through time and space to South America, finally she will stop watching old black and white westerns that do not represent her in any way, and everything will feel different when she hears the dreams of other people, those who live in the forest. But there will be no definitive conclusions… Birds don’t talk to humans, yet if only we could understand them, they would surely have a few truths to tell us.

Los muertos
Lisandro Alonso
Argentino Vargas, Francisco Dornez
Vargas, a 54 year old man, gets out of jail in the province of Corrientes, Argentina. Once released, he wants to find his now adult daughter, who lives in a swampy and remote area. A deep mystery surrounds him.
Los Muertos

Lisandro Alonso
Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni
Фильм исследует драму коренных народов Америки, которые спасаются от современности в надежде сохранить традиции своих предков. В четырех разных местах мира происходят четыре разные истории. Первая история начинается в 1870 году. Мёрфи ищет свою дочь после того, как ее похитил преступник Рэндалл. Герой следующей истории Убираджара, мужчина из современной индейской резервации в Южной Дакоте. Действие фильма переносится на золотые прииски в Амазонию, где герои буквально поражены «золотой лихорадкой»... последнее

Untitled (Letter to Serra)
Lisandro Alonso
Misael Saavedra, Laureno Alonso
Lisandro Alonso returns to La Pampa, to the same locations of Freedom, to shoot his Carta para Serra (or Sin título), with a camera that seems to float among the vegetation. He has the company of Misael Saavedra, and yet instead of looking back (or making a tribute to his actors, because that was the subject in Fantasma) this movie seeks to be a prologue for his next one.
Untitled (Letter to Serra)

Sinergias - Dialogo entre Albert Serra y Lisandro Alonso
Albert Serra, Lisandro Alonso
Albert Serra, Lisandro Alonso
The exhibition 'The Complete Letters' features epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation. This is an experimental communication format used between pairs of film directors. Although each director is situated in a location geographically distant from that of their partner, they are united by their willingness to share ideas and reflections on all that motivates their work. Within this space of freedom, the directors featured in the exhibition examine their affinities and differences, within an environment of mutual respect and simultaneity of interests and with notable formal variants established in each of the correspondences.
Cinematic Correspondences: Albert Serra – Lisandro Alonso