Vladlen Barbe
1960 (65 лет)People
Igor Veyshtagin, Valeriy Zhirnov
Hume Cronyn, Sasha Gronim
In how many wonderful ways are we different from each other' What if the world were to rejoice in our differences' Cara and her lovable Grandfather (Hume Cronyn) embark on a journey of imagination that brings them face to face with the wonderful variety of people around the world. Featuring 10 original songs by major recording artists, elaborate animation, and unforgettable characters.
People: A Musical Celebration

The Snow Queen
Marek Buchwald, Vladlen Barbe
Сигурни Уивер
This version of The Snow Queen is the first to be adapted from another adaptation. All of Sigourney Weaver's narration is from Amy Erhlich's 1982 picture book. Still, things are cut out and changed a bit. The troll/devil is gone. The mirror belongs to the Snow Queen and it is her only friend. She grows very angry and lonely and smashes her mirror. She wants a friend and since Kai is all fucked up, she takes him. The princess is cut from Gerda's journey and the crow turns out to be the Witch in disguise who helps her along the way. The Robber Girl has a mullet and is SUPER TOUCHY with Gerda. The Snow Queen lets Kai and Gerda go once she sees how much they love each other. It even melts her heart...and the rest of her. Yeesh.
The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen
Vladlen Barbe, Maksim Sveshnikov
Ivan Okhlobystin, Dmitriy Nagiev
The ice-cold Snow Queen wishes to turn the world into a frozen landscape, with no light, no joy, no happiness, and no free will. A young man, Kai, is rumored to be the son of a man who is the queen's only remaining threat. He is abducted and held captive in the queen's palace, and it's up to his sister, Gerda, to rescue him. Gerda journeys across an icy land, facing difficult obstacles and meeting wonderful new friends that help her in her quest to set Kai free, defeat the Snow Queen, and save the world from eternal frost.
The Snow Queen

Печать царя Соломона
Vladlen Barbe
Aleksandr Golovin, Olga Shorokhova
Много веков назад, во времена своего правления, царь Соломон прогневался на могущественного джинна Юсуфа и с помощью колдовства заковал его в глиняный сосуд, скрепив заклятье своим магическим перстнем. Прошли годы, сменились эпохи, и джинн оказывается на свободе в современной Москве. По невероятному стечению обстоятельств из плена его спасли юный Гекльберри Финн со своим другом, беглым рабом Джимом, силой магии также переместившиеся из Америки XIX века на улицы современного мегаполиса. Но на этом приключения героев не заканчиваются. Сила перстня столь велика, что сквозь пространство и время Юсуфа преследует древний демон Кишкаш, продолжающий исполнять волю Соломона. Однако, истинная его цель заключается в стремлении обрести могущественный артефакт царя, чтобы погрузить мир в вечную тьму и хаос. Время решающей битвы стремительно приближается…
Печать царя Соломона

Синдбад: Пираты семи штормов
Vladlen Barbe
Andrey Levin, Katerina Shpitsa
Sinbad, a young and easygoing pirate, is not very adept at pirating: he and his crew have not been able to capture a single ship in a year. But fate finally smiles at Sinbad: old Antioch shows him an ancient map and persuades him to set sail for Skeleton Island to seek buried treasure.
Sinbad: Pirates of the Seven Storms

Последний человек из Атлантиды
Vladlen Barbe
Nikolay Drozdov, Stanislav Duzhnikov
The Last Prince of Atlantis is a beautiful fairy tale about love, an animated family movie. The dynamic intrigue, a bright and multidimensional shows keeps the audiences captivated. An old pearl-fisher Bltazar is forced to sell his boat to wealthy man Don Vincenzo. But this is not the worst part. Now Vincenzo wants to take his beautiful daughter Adrianna! The girl is against that, but for how much longer can she resist? Police and gangsters serve Vincenzo... But money and power are nothing when the real love comes around. The Last Prince Of Atlantis appears from the bottom of the sea, where he spent thousands of years in a stone sarcophagus. One day he sees Adrianna in the sea, strikes up looking for her and finds her...
Last Prince of Atlantis