Lewin Fitzhamon
2021That Fatal Sneeze
Lewin Fitzhamon
Thurston Harris, Gertie Potter
As an older man and a youth are eating at the table, the older man decides to amuse himself by using pepper to make the boy sneeze. Later, the boy retaliates by sneaking into the older man's room and putting pepper in his handkerchief, hairbrush, and clothing. But things quickly get out of hand when the sneezing that results begins to disrupt the whole town.
That Fatal Sneeze

Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor
Lewin Fitzhamon
Hay Plumb, Alma Taylor
Funny how we think of the loutish behaviour of some of today's teens as a modern-day phenomenon. Here, in a short film more than one hundred years old, we see two tearaways terrorising a bed-ridden old lady, sabotaging a number of honest workmen as they go about their daily work, vandalising a bakery and taking a vehicle without consent - all in the space of six frenetic minutes.
Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor

Dumb Sagacity
Lewin Fitzhamon
Gertie Potter
The story of a little girl and her pets, a horse and a dog, whose marvelous intelligence is most strikingly shown. The little girl, whose home is at the seaside, goes out on the rocks to play with her dog. There she romps with her pet and quite loses sight of the constantly rising tide. Suddenly she discovers that the rocks are surrounded, and her escape entirely cut off. Turning to her dog, she motions him to the land; instantly he is off, swimming to shore and dashing across the beach. He reaches the stable, where he unties the pet horse, then leading the way, he and the horse dash off to the surf, through which they plunge. The horse soon reaches the rock, which he has much difficulty in approaching, but finally the little girl succeeds in getting upon his back, and is then swiftly borne to shore.
Dumb Sagacity