Phil Tucker
20213-D Rarities
Izzy Sparber, Phil Tucker
Daws Butler, Stan Freberg
Selections include Kelley's Plasticon Pictures, the earliest extant 3-D demonstration film from 1922 with incredible footage of Washington and New York City; New Dimensions, the first domestic full color 3-D film originally shown at the World’s Fair in 1940; Thrills for You, a promotional film for the Pennsylvania Railroad; Stardust in Your Eyes, a hilarious standup routine by Slick Slavin; trailer for The Maze, with fantastic production design by William Cameron Menzies; Doom Town, a controversial anti-atomic testing film mysteriously pulled from release; puppet cartoon The Adventures of Sam Space, presented in widescreen; I’ll Sell My Shirt, a burlesque comedy unseen in 3-D for over 60 years; Boo Moon, an excellent example of color stereoscopic animation…and more!
3-D Rarities

Strips Around the World
Phil Tucker
Dick Kimball, Wally Blair
A performer goes to a travel agency with hopes of visiting foreign countries. After seeing the performer's juggling act, the travel agent agrees to letting him work his way over to Pamonia, a mythical oriental country where the agent's brother is a Pasha. The performer exchanges words with the Pasha in a comedy routine; watches the Pasha's dancing girls perform and do a series of suggestive dances; performs his juggling act while riding a miniature bike; watches the harem dance and strip; does a comedy-eating routine; watches some more dancing and stripping...and becomes the new ruler of Pamonia.
Strips Around the World

The Cape Canaveral Monsters
Phil Tucker
Scott Peters, Linda Connell
When a couple are killed in an auto accident their bodies are immediately inhabited by extraterrestrial beings. Taking refuge in an underground cave, the aliens attempt to sabotage the U.S. space program.
The Cape Canaveral Monsters

Robot Monster
Phil Tucker
George Nader, Claudia Barrett
Ro-Man, an alien robot who greatly resembles a gorilla in a diving helmet, is sent to earth to destroy all human life. Ro-Man falls in love with one of the last six remaining humans, and struggles to understand how his programming can instruct him to kill her while his heart demands that he can't.
Robot Monster