Juliano Dornelles
2021Recife Frio
Kleber Mendonça Filho
Andrés Schaffer, Luiz Otávio Pereira
In tropical Recife, in northeastern Brazil, temperatures drop to impossible lows and the inhabitants have to adapt. This 'mockumentary' gradually turns critical, looking at the climate, urban development and social interaction from every angle. Does a ray of sun pierce the clouds, after all?
Cold Tropics

Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles
Bárbara Colen, Udo Kier
Bacurau, a small town in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their community has vanished from most maps.

Bacurau no Mapa
Kleber Mendonça Filho
Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles
Behind the scenes of Bacurau (2019)'s shooting and pre-production. With exclusive images, directors Kléber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles show how they made the film an audience and critical success.
Bacurau no Mapa

Braço Armado das Empreiteiras
Pedro Severien, Juliano Dornelles
In July 2014 the police of Pernambuco used extreme violence against the Movement Occupy Estelita. Without trying to open any channel of dialogue, the riot squad, GATI and other troops used a disproportionate amount of force for the repossession of an area from José Estelita pier, in the city of Recife. It got clear during the day that the police were there not only to carry out a lawsuit, but to try to repress a legitimate movement of civilians.
Braço Armado das Empreiteiras