George Schnéevoigt
1893 - 1961De mystiske Z-Straaler
George Schnéevoigt
Anton De Verdier, Fridjof von Kaulbach
Karsakow is a circus dancer who's just lost his job. How will his little brother Vladir and himself survive? In the paper Karsakow reads about the inventor Berg, who has constructed a light beam that shines through everything. The Z beam. Professor Berg seeks persons to participate in scientific research with the development of the Z beam. When Karsakow's agent can't find him any new work, he decides to contact Berg.
De mystiske Z-Straaler

George Schnéevoigt
Mona Mårtenson, Tryggve Larssen
Ranged across several generations, the story begins with a wealthy merchant, Lind, and his wife travelling in the coldest depths of winter to christen their baby daughter. Attacked by wolves, they lose the baby, which is found by the Lapp Jaampa (a dominating performance by Tryggve Larssen) and subsequently raised by a rich reindeer herder,

Odds 777
George Schnéevoigt
Liva Weel, Emanuel Gregers
A lottery win allows the kitchen girl Hansy Hansen to lodge at an upmarket seaside hotel where the widower landowner Rosen falls in love with her. However, Rosen is in financial difficulties because of the lawyer Sadolin, who reneged on marrying his daughter. He puts everything he can into the daughter's horse to win a race.
Odds 777

Skal vi vædde en million?
George Schnéevoigt
Frederik Jensen, Marguerite Viby
Consul General Winterfeld is not thrilled that his son Jørgen will marry showgirl Aurora. He promises Jørgen a million if he can spend a month in the company of Aurora without there being a fight.
Want to Bet a Million?

De blaa drenge
George Schnéevoigt
Liva Weel, Johannes Meyer
Sylvia Grøn bliver fyret som lærerinde. I stedet slår hun sig sammen med sin store beundrer, skuespilleren Herman Sander. Sylvia Grøn lægger sine sparepenge i hans rejsende teater, men det går dårligt for teatret. Billedet af Herman Sander falmer også efterhånden som tiden går. Sylvias gamle elev, Eva Kristoffersen, søger tilflugt i teatertruppen. Hun er hemmeligt forelsket i komponisten Henrik Brandt. Lige inden nøglen må drejes om for teatergruppen får Sylvia en ide. Henrik Brandt har skrevet et teaterstykke og det vil hun sætte op.
De blaa drenge

Tretten Aar
George Schnéevoigt
Frederik Jensen, Svend Bille
Poul Løwe is young, charming and rich - and his secretary Gretel is the same, except for the rich - and none of them are mutual blind to each other's characteristics, making it difficult for them to concentrate on the typewriter. There's just one difficult and embarrassing problem: Poul is married!
Tretten Aar

George Schnéevoigt
Else Skouboe, Valdemar Møller
The "Tango Bar" is the fashion of the moment. The city's party-goers have chosen the small, cozy, intimate local venue for the night's wee hours. Gaby Grant is an ideal hostess who knows how to get guests to forget the day's sorrows and troubles - and knows how to get them to pay.

Baldevins bryllup
George Schnéevoigt
Einar Sissener, Victor Bernau
Baldevins bryllup (English: Baldevin's wedding) is a 1926 Norwegian comedy film directed by George Schnéevoigt, starring Einar Sissener and Victor Bernau. The film is based on a play by Vilhelm Krag, and tells the story of how Simen Sørensen (Bernau) manages to get his friend Baldevin Jonassen (Sissener) married to the lady next door. The film was renovated in 2006, for the 100-years anniversary of Kristiansand Cinema.
Baldevins bryllup