Enric Folch
2021Presumptes implicats
Enric Folch
Xavi Mira, Pau Durà
From overnight, Santi has been no job, no girlfriend and no car. Victor and his colleagues have been guilty, but do not dare to show their faces. As compensation, they devise a plan: fix Santi life without his being aware of it ...
Presumptes implicats

Tempus fugit
Enric Folch
Xavi Mira, Neus Asensi
Tempus Fugit explores the effects of being able to travel back and forth in time in boring and insignificant installments – half-day to 6-7 days, at a stretch. But the point is, much like Butterfly Effect (the film – the wikipedia definition!), small, utterly insignificant, initial variations can/ may lead to large changes in the long term. This fascinating theory is clubbed along with an average-nobody’s seemingly inconsequential every day act becoming significant enough to save the world – to an incredible effect.
Tempus fugit