Georges Dufaux
2021À cris perdus
Marc Beaudet, Georges Dufaux
All over North America young people are rejecting orthodoxy of all kinds and embracing new cults, new forms of self-discovery, from Krishna to bio-feedback. Group dynamics, encounter groups, transcendental meditation, Eastern philosophy, communal living, return-to-nature, re-energized evangelism--all are roads to salvation according to the individual's belief. This film takes a discerning look at them all, from Canada to California.
À cris perdus

À votre santé
Georges Dufaux
Focuses on the state of the Quebec health system in the early 1970s. This film reveals the harsh reality of emergency rooms. There, medical teams, facing a serious shortage of staff, are facing a real invasion of patients. The technical means, often insufficient, make the task even more difficult.
À votre santé

Multiple Man
Claude Godbout, Georges Dufaux
A many-faced view of humanity, of global man in all his forms and interests. Produced originally in 70 mm (with stereophonic sound) for showing at Man and His World, the Montréal fair that succeeded Expo 67, this film employs the multi-image technique. People of all places, origins, cultures, secular and religious, are here united and seen side by side, creating an impressive, inspiring and challenging portrait. The film's title appears in seven languages. Film without words.
Multiple Man

Jeux de la XXIème olympiade
Marcel Carrière, Jean-Claude Labrecque
Nadia Comăneci, João Carlos de Oliveira
Edited from almost 100 km of film footage shot during the Games, this feature documentary is a breathtaking portrait of the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Much more than a simple record of the Games, the film approaches each event with the intention of revealing the athlete - whether winner or loser - as a unique individual.
Games of the XXI Olympiad

I Was a Ninety-pound Weakling
Wolf Koenig, Georges Dufaux
A short 1960 documentary about physical fitness trends in the big city. Here you see modern man brought to bay by his own poundage, resolved to erase by exercise what rich food, idleness and age have put on.
I Was a Ninety-pound Weakling

Clément Perron, Georges Dufaux
Carol-Lynne Traynor
Twenty-four year old Montréaler Caroline works as a sales representative for a telephone company. She's married to Claude, the two who have a young son. On their fourth wedding anniversary, about which Claude seems to have forgot or doesn't care, Caroline seems unhappy with her life, although she approaches it with a certain efficiency. When she was growing up, she, like any girl, had several ideas which changed all the time of what she wanted to do with her life when she grew up. But her life hasn't seemed to come close to any of those dreams. Can Claude or anyone else reassure Caroline about her life, especially on this milestone?