Carmine Borrino
2021St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor
Giacomo Campiotti
Beppe Fiorello, Kasia Smutniak
Giuseppe Moscati, Doctor saint of Naples, was a doctor of the early twentieth century, from an aristocratic family devoted his career to serving the poor. The film focuses on the human side, partially leaving aside the spiritual part.
St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor

La kryptonite nella borsa
Ivan Cotroneo
Valeria Golino, Cristiana Capotondi
Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore take the boy under their wings, introducing him to demonstrations and love-ins, whilst caped superhero Gennaro visits Peppino even after being knocked down and killed by the number 12 bus. It is the imaginary appearances of this older superman cousin that help the nine-year-old navigate the complicated adult world.

Sotto il vestito niente - L'ultima sfilata
Carlo Vanzina
Francesco Montanari, Vanessa Hessler
События, о которых рассказывает фильм, начинаются во время Недели высокой моды, проходящей в Милане. Александра Ларсон, знаменитая модель, погибает, попав под колеса неизвестной машины. На место инцидента прибывает сицилийский инспектор Винченцо Малерба (Франческо Монтанари), который убеждается, что имело место преднамеренное убийство.
Nothing Under the Dress - The Last Show