Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
2021The Olsen Gang in a Fix
Erik Balling
Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald
A good looking female social welfare worker makes Egon Olsen forget about crimes for some time, but when an American gangster breaks into a local bank and the police think its Egon's work, he has to get back to work to prove he's innocent.
The Olsen Gang in a Fix

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Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
Henning Moritzen, Bibi Andersson
The story opens just before Christmas, when solitary, apathetic bank clerk Flemming Borck uncovers a plot to rob his bank. After doing a little rookie recon, Borck identifies the would-be bank robber as a faux shopping-mall Santa Claus, and counter-plots to steal the money himself and let Santa take the blame. This works out about as badly as you might imagine, and our bumbling protagonist spirals further and further away from the carefree, laconic lifestyle he had hoped to ensure for himself.
Think of a Number

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Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
Louis Miehe-Renard, Lily Weiding
Daniel owns a shoe factory. He is in his fifties, married to Elisa, has a son who studies psychology and a mother who is at a nursing home. But when he applies for a life insurance his life changes. Because he has to undergo a number of health examinations, and maybe he is not what the insurance people call "a good life".
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Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
Birgit Brüel, Willy Rathnov
A group of better-off thirty-somethings meet for a weekend in Knud and Beth's home. The host couple is prone to bickering regularly. The married couples (Jan and Ilse, and Kjeld and Tove) that are visiting understand and try to stay out of the way. Bachelor Lars, however, comes into his own and is a constant source of provocative comments.

Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
Thomas Eje, Naja Rosing Olsen
Stunning photography of icy tundra does not make up for dramatic weaknesses in this average story about a brother searching for clues to the death of his sibling in a forbidding environment. Erik (Thomas Eje) is newly divorced and a depressed, despairing man who arrives in Greenland after his brother died in a hang-gliding accident. He eventually moves in with an Inuit woman Soerine (Naja Rosing Olsen) and her son Nikki, whom Erik suspects is his dead brother's child. His search and suspicions are punctuated by other subsidiary, mini-dramas, and long, sweeping vistas of the ice-bound landscape.

Peter von Scholten
Palle Kjærulff-Schmidt
Ole Ernst, Karen-Lise Mynster
Han frigav slaverne i 1848. Han talte konge og regering imod. Han elskede sine samtidige koner lige højt. Han var farverig, han var enevældig, han var Danmarks sidste generalguvernør på De vestindiske Øer, hans navn var Peter von Scholten. Filmen om ham er en pragtfuld historie om storhed, magt og stædighed på den ene side, og om kærlighed, loyalitet og vemod på den anden. Den er et farverigt galleri af personer, der viser tiden, danskeren i det fremmede – og det sorte menneske i relief til det hvide.
Peter von Scholten