Erwin Leiser
1923 - 1996Den blodiga tiden
Erwin Leiser
Adolf Hitler, Claude Stephenson
"Mein Kampf" presents the raising and fall of the Third Reich, showing mainly the destruction of Poland and the life Hitler, which is told since he was a mediocre student and frustrated aspirant of artist living in slums in Austria and Germany, until his suicide in 1945 after being the responsible for the death of million of people, and the destruction of Europe. All the footage is real and belonged to a secret file of Goebbels, inclusive with many very strong scenes filmed by Goebbels himself.
Mein Kampf

Zehn Brüder sind wir gewesen
Erwin Leiser
“Why this film? Why now? Because it should not be thought that last year's commemorations have said everything that needs to be said on the subject of Auschwitz. Also because important film material on the Nazi state’s crimes against humanity has only now become accessible. And because there is a need for a film aimed at a mass audience which in just one hour can show the persecution to which the Jews were subjected in the Germany of those days, incorporating the new material and the testimony of survivors – Ruth Klüger, Henry Meyer, Erika Rothschild. It is a film that shows the faces of both perpetrators and victims, in an effort to make sure that we will never forget.” (Erwin Leiser)
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