Leslie Goodwins
1899 - 1969Hi, Beautiful
Leslie Goodwins
Martha O'Driscoll, Noah Beery Jr.
Part of the series of Universal B-musicals teaming Martha O'Driscoll and Noah Beery Jr., this film is also a remake of the 1937 comedy Love in a Bungalow. Patty Callahan (O'Driscoll) offers residence in a model home to soldier Jeff (Beery) and soon falls in love with him. Although the pair are unmarried, they enter a marital contest intended to celebrate the "Happiest G.I. Couple." Winning the contest brings on all sorts of farcical troubles until the couple are able to be united for real. Songs include "Don't Sweetheart Me" and "Best of All."
Hi, Beautiful

Bachelor Blues
Leslie Goodwins
Leon Errol, Dorothy Granger
Leon forgets his wedding anniversary and is in the doghouse checking the date on his wedding certificate and learns that it wasn't signed, so concludes he and Dorothy aren't married. Dorothy doesn't see that as a large problem, so she and Leon decide they will take new spouses. But they find out that they are securely knotted, and decide it is all for the best that way.
Bachelor Blues

His Pest Friend
Leslie Goodwins
Leon Errol, Vivien Oakland
Leon's wife wants to surprise him by buying the cabin where they had spent their honeymoon. But when she secretly meets with the man who owns the cabin, Leon misunderstands what she is doing, and gets suspicious. When his friend at work convinces Leon that his wife is going to run away with another man, Leon decides to take immediate action.
His Pest Friend

Leslie Goodwins
Henry Wilcoxon, Mary Brian
Scotland Yard Inspector Geoffrey James comes to the United States looking for a band of international gem-thieves who have smuggled a rich load of jewels from England to America via a trans-ocean airline. Mary Hogan, an airline hostess, aids him in his quest.

Tramp Trouble
Leslie Goodwins
Edgar Kennedy, Vivien Oakland
Edgar impulsively invites his boss, Mr. Markham, to his home for dinner when his boss compliments him for giving coffee money to a down and out man. At the train station Edgar intervenes, keeping another man from beating a young man named Frankie, and Edgar takes Frankie home with him, even though the stranger warns Edgar that the young man is nothing but trouble.
Tramp Trouble

The Girl from Mexico
Leslie Goodwins
Lupe Vélez, Donald Woods
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
The Girl from Mexico

Harris in the Spring
Leslie Goodwins
Phil Harris, Joan Barclay
Band leader Phil Harris, through a misunderstanding, finds himself with a job as a professional escort, and a date to take a rich young society girl to a night club. She picks the club where the Harris band is playing. Phil is kept busy trying to keep the band from telling the girl who he really is, and to keep the girl distracted enough so she won't notice he is leading the band.
Harris in the Spring