Asier Altuna
1969 (55 лет)Hondalea: abismo marino
Asier Altuna
Cristina Iglesias
The sculptor Cristina Iglesias has made what is probably the most important work in her career to date, Hondalea. Her intervention in the Lighthouse on San Sebastian's Santa Clara Island. Taking her inspiration from the island's wild nature and the peculiar geology of the Basque coast, the sculpture by Cristina Iglesias transforms the interior of the lighthouse, now restored and converted into a vertiginous sculptural space. The cast-metal geological strata and the water flowing to the rhythm of the waves and the tides will offer the visitor a profound experience. This film looks at the process of building the work.
Hondalea: Marine Abyss

Asier Altuna
Maialen Lujanbio, Andoni Egaña
The 'bertsolari' is a kind of minstrel sings and improvises verses in Basque. This oral tradition has evolved with the times and connecting with younger generations, getting to meet at the end of the last championship to 14 thousand people. An austere aesthetic art of surprising in this age of spectacle and special effects.

Asier Altuna
Kandido Uranga, Iraia Elias
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.

Agur Etxebeste!
Telmo Esnal, Asier Altuna
Ramón Agirre, Elena Irureta
Patrizio Etxebeste decides to resign from the office of mayor for health problems, but few know the real reason: the recent corruption scandals uncovered in nearby towns lead him to believe that his may be the next head to roll. Who better to take up the reins and maintain the control than Mª Luisa, his faithful wife? But it won’t all be quite as simple as it once might have been. His decorative wife decides not to be quite so decorative and starts taking action.
Bye Bye Mr. Etxebeste!

Zela Trovke
Asier Altuna
Moritats are old folk songs about crimes and are typical of Central Europe. Zela Trovke is a moritat from Slovakia which the Holland Baroque Society has recovered to include in its Barbaric Beauty programme. Maite Larburu, the orchestra’s violinist, unveils the song's hidden secrets.
Cutting Grass

Aupa Etxebeste!
Telmo Esnal, Asier Altuna
Ramón Agirre, Elena Irureta
The same day that the Etxebeste Family are leaving for their holidays, they lost all their money. They have to keep up appearances in front of the residents, so they will hide them selves at home. During their stay at home the Etxebestes will throw each other miserys and lies but later they will enjoy the best holidays in their life.
Aupa Etxebeste!

Gure oroitzapenak
Josu Martínez, Özcan Alper
The countenance of Joseba Sarrionandia is multi-faceted, not only for having dabbled in all literary forms of expression, but for having been capable of creating his own imagery, composed of endless worlds. Thus, several of the elements appearing in the literary world will undoubtedly appear here: the sea, the port, childhood, trains, uprooting, war, destruction, love, drifting, pain, fantasy, mystery, initiation, torture...
Gure oroitzapenak