Michał Waszyński
1904 - 1965The Prince and the Dybbuk
Piotr Rosołowski, Elwira Niewiera
Michał Waszyński
A cinematic journey on the trail of a mysterious filmmaker. Prince Michal Waszynski, Poland's top pre-war, director who later became an influential figure in the broader European film scene. He produced big Hollywood cinema hits with Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale, but his most spectacular creation was his own life. Prince Michal was an extraordinary human chameleon who, with the help of the magical invention of cinema, continually changed his identity.
The Prince and the Dybbuk

דער דיבוק
Michał Waszyński
Avrom Morewski, Ajzyk Samberg
In a Polish shtetl, two young men who have grown up together betrothe their unborn children, ignoring the advice of a mysterious traveler not to pledge the lives of future generations. Soon after, one of them dies, and the wife of the other dies in childbirth. The children grow up in different towns, without ever knowing of the betrothal, but the power of the vow leads them to meet each other when they are marriageable. The young woman, Leah, is promised to another man, but Channon, the son of the father who died, is a practitioner of mysticism, and seeks to win his bride through sorcery.
The Dybbuk

Antek policmajster
Michał Waszyński
Adolf Dymsza, Antoni Fertner
Антек Круль, шустрый парень, продавец кроликов на Варшавском рынке, невинно подозреваемый в антигосударственной деятельности и обвиняемый в свержении царского самодержавия — убегает из зала суда и прячется в вагоне поезда, в котором едет важный чиновник жандармерии в качестве нового полицмейстера провинциального городка. Напившись в дороге водки, полицмейстер крепко засыпает в своём купе. На станции, во время осмотра поезда жандармами, Антек, воспользовавшись случаем, переодевается в его мундир. По стечению обстоятельств, в городишке его принимают за нового полицмейстера, брата министра и очень важную особу…
Antek policmajster

Trzy serca
Michał Waszyński
Elżbieta Barszczewska, Jerzy Pichelski
Two children are born in a rich family's manor house - one of them, Gogo, is a son of a countess and the second one, Maciek, a son of the servant. The servant decides to switch the babies so her son can have a better life. They both grow up and fall for the same woman, a girl named Kasia raised by the countess.
Three Hearts