Leonid Trauberg
1902 - 1990Шли солдаты
Leonid Trauberg
Sergey Bondarchuk, Andrei Petrov
Октябрь 1917 года. Русские и немецкие солдаты, измученные трехлетней войной, начали брататься. Но офицерские пули расстреляли братающихся. Оставшиеся в живых — Илья, Матвей, медсестра Ольга и немецкий солдат Якоб — поклялись перед павшими солдатами дойти до Петербурга и добиться мира для всех...
Шли солдаты

Новый Вавилон
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Yelena Kuzmina, David Gutman
In the short-lived Commune of Paris, a conscripted soldier falls in love with a Communard saleswoman. As the army cracks down on the revolutionaries, the soldier is forced to fight against the Commune, and the pair's love is put to the test.
The New Babylon

Юность Максима
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Boris Chirkov, Valentina Kibardina
A 1935 USA trade-paper reviewer called it... "an impressive and technically outstanding historical drama dealing with czarist terrorism and revolutionary boiling in the days of 1907. Picture is one of the Soviet prize winners and has particular merits in realistic performance, photography and movement, plus some musical touches in way of folk songs." Written by Les Adams
The Youth of Maxim

Чёртово колесо
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Lyudmila Semyonova, Pyotr Sobolevsky
Typically of the heady days of early Soviet cinema, this is constructed according to the fast, sharp editing principles advocated by Eisenstein, complete with symbolic inserts; but in terms of subject matter, it's much less explicitly political than most movies emerging from Russia in the '20s. Chronicling a young sailor's descent into a murky, treacherous underworld of pimps and thieves, after having encountered a Louise Brooks lookalike at a fairground and missed his departing boat, it's a lively moral fable that delights in vivid visual effects and quirky characterisations. If the plot occasionally reveals gaping holes, and the tacked-on ending urging the clearance of the Leningrad slums seems to be rather gratuitous, there's enough going on to keep one attentive and amused.
The Devil's Wheel

СВД - Союз великого дела
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Sergei Gerasimov, Andrei Kostrichkin
The film tells about the Decembrists’ revolt in the south of Russia. Right before the Decembrist Revolt 1825 a chevalier of fortune decides that it's time for a game. But on whom to make a bet? He asks the cards. But he's not the only one who makes the choice.
The Club of the Big Deed

Возвращение Максима
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Boris Chirkov, Valentina Kibardina
The second part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. In July 1914, the Bolsheviks and Mensehviks compete for representation of the working-class in the Duma. Maksim, who just returned from exile, calls the workers to strike as a protest against the firing of six of their colleagues. The traitor Platon Dymba assaults Maksim, wounding him severely. When the strike unfolds the workers demonstrate by the thousands, the news of the outbreak of World War I suddenly arrives. Maksim gets drafted.
The Return of Maxim

Простые люди
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Olga Lebzak, Boris Zhukovsky
A 1945 Soviet war film which, along with the second part of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible was harshly criticized by Andrei Zhdanov and banned. A version of the film, released in 1956 during the Khrushchev Thaw, was disowned by director Grigori Kozintsev because the reediting was done without his participation.
Simple People

Выборгская сторона
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Boris Chirkov, Valentina Kibardina
The final part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. Following the Russian Revolution, Maksim is appointed state commissar in charge of the national bank. With great efforts, he learns the complexies of the banking trade and begins to fight off sabotaging underlings. Dymba, now a violent enemy of the Republic, tries to rob a wine store but is arrested with Maksim's help. Maksim also exposes a conspiracy of a group of tsarist officers who prepare an attempt against Lenin. He then joins the Red Army in its fight against the German occupation.
The Vyborg Side

Pokhozhdeniya Oktyabriny
Leonid Trauberg, Grigori Kozintsev
Satire of the bourgeoisie and the West, anti-religious propaganda, agitation for a new lifestye, sees a young female revolutionary in a military helmet and miniskirt, ride a motorcycle through St. Petersburg
The Adventures of an Octoberite

Вольный ветер
Andrei Tutyshkin, Leonid Trauberg
Lionella Pyryeva, Nadezhda Rumyantseva
Based on the operetta of the same name by Isaak Dunayevsky. The port town of one of the small southern countries. After the Nazi occupiers left, the port's berths were empty, the steamers did not smoke, cargo cranes stood. Fearing retaliation for collaborating with enemies, port owner Georg Stan fled the city. After waiting a while and securing the support of local authorities, Stan nonetheless returns - and loading operations begin in the port. While loading oranges, the sailor Yango and the beautiful Stella are preparing for the wedding. Suddenly, Stan makes a proposal to the girl and tricks her into agreeing. Upon learning of the deception, the girl runs away to Yango. Having discovered weapons intended to support fascism in the drawer of the hold, the heroes do everything possible to make the boxes fall to the bottom of the sea.
Wind of Freedom