Christopher Forbes
2021Wyatt Earp Shoots First
Christopher Forbes
Paul Clayton, Jerry Chesser
Wyatt Earp is one of the best lawman in the West and a first-rate gunfighter. But he is a conflicted individual who is haunted by what he was taught early in his career. Never, ever shoot first. But even a good man learns that sometimes, rules have to be broken to survive.
Wyatt Earp Shoots First

Cheat the Hangman
Christopher Forbes
Barry W. Jerald Jr., Jerry Chesser
The son of a hangman gets involved in a gunfight with the men who killed his father. When one of these men is killed, the son is arrested and tried by the territorial hanging judge. The young man's fate is now in the hands of another hangman.
Cheat the Hangman

Christopher Forbes
Linnea Quigley, Dana Cheshire
Vampitheatre is about a touring band whose members happen to be of the vampire variety. The band moves town to town, "harvesting" members of their audience to satisfy their bloodlust. Unknown to the band, they are being pursued by an FBI agent intent on finding out why fans of a certain band called "Theatre Peace" keep disappearing. The agent finally catches up with the band, working through the bands manager and record label, only to find herself in a netherworld of danger when she finds out just how far and wide vampires have penetrated into modern society. This is not your grandfather's vampire movie. If you can imagine "Dracula" with a healthy dose of "Spinal Tap", then you have your finger on the pulse of this film.

The Burning of Atlanta
Christopher Forbes
Jezibell Anat, Jerry Chesser
"The Burning of Atlanta" is the story of the destruction of a major city near the end of the war, and the desperation and terror this causes in the lives of those who watch their entire society collapse around them.
The Burning of Atlanta

A Rebel Born
Christopher Forbes
William Adams, Jezibell Anat
The story of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant and very controversial Confederate general in the War Between the States. Even now, more than 150 years after the end of the war, Forrest has remained surrounded in controversy.
A Rebel Born

The Dalton Gang
Christopher Forbes
William Adams, Jezibell Anat
When their brother Frank is killed by an outlaw, brothers Bob Dalton, Emmett Dalton and Gray Dalton join their local sheriff's department. When they are cheated by the law, they turn to crime, robbing trains and anything else they can steal from over the course of two years in the early 1890's. Trying to out do Jesse James, they attempt to rob two banks at once in October of 1892, and things get ugly
The Dalton Gang

Cole Younger & The Black Train
Christopher Forbes
Cody McCarver, Jerry Chesser
Cole Younger & The Black Train traces Cole Younger's experiences with the Black Train first as a teenager, then into adult life as he partners with Jesse James to create the most notorious outlaw band of the old West, the James-Younger gang.
Cole Younger & The Black Train