Demofilo Fidani
1914 - 1994La professoressa di lingue
Demofilo Fidani
Femi Benussi, Pupo De Luca
Michael, the son of a wealthy family, suffers from stuttering, and this leads him to be sent back to English and French. For the September exams, he will have to study all summer with Pamela, a sexy and beautiful teacher who will find a way to help him as he attempts to defend the particular attention of the other members of the family.
La professoressa di lingue

Prega Dio... e scavati la fossa
Edoardo Mulargia
Robert Woods, Jeff Cameron
Fernando returns home from his self chosen exile in Texas to get revenge for the death of his siblings. Instead he tries to start a revolution against the despotism of the landowners, but his relationship to his old friend Cipriano, who had turned in the meantime to a simple bandit, destroys his plans.
Pray to God and Dig Your Grave

A.A.A. Massaggiatrice bella presenza offresi...
Demofilo Fidani
Simonetta Vitelli, Jerry Colman
Cristina turns eighteen and leaves her bourgeois family to become a call-girl. But soon, her clients start turning turning up dead, their throats slashed. Who is responsible?
A.A.A. Masseuse, Good-Looking, Offers Her Services

Passa Sartana... è l'ombra della tua morte
Demofilo Fidani
Jeff Cameron, Benito Pacifico
Geoffredo Scarciofolo (using the pseudonym "Jeff Cameron") is the famed gunfighter Sartana, who is offered a chance at amnesty from the $12,000 bounty on his head if he wipes out Benny Randal (Frank Fargas), his brother Baby Face (Dennis Colt), and an equally nasty sheriff (Dino Strano using the name "Dean Stratford").
Sartana and His Shadow of Death

Quel maledetto giorno d'inverno... Django e Sartana all'ultimo sangue
Demofilo Fidani
Jack Betts, Fabio Testi
The small desert town of Black City is held in a reign of terror by a nasty gang of criminals lead by the ruthless Bud Willer. Earnest, but inexperienced Sheriff Jack Ronson arrives in town to establish law and order. Mysterious bounty hunter Django helps Ronson out.
One Damned Day at Dawn... Django Meets Sartana!

Inginocchiati straniero... I cadaveri non fanno ombra!
Demofilo Fidani
Jack Betts, Franco Borelli
Lazar, a bounty killer, teams up with a young gunfighter to blackmail Barrett, a former bandit and mine owner. At the end of the day, the bounty hunter clashes with Barrett, but something goes wrong.
Dead Men Don't Make Shadows

Straniero... fatti il segno della croce!
Demofilo Fidani
Charles Southwood, Jeff Cameron
Two brothers, who are the leaders of a gang of outlaws, besiege the village of White City. They rob and terrorize the people of the surrounding countryside which attracts the attention of a bounty hunter who upon arrival becomes involved in their plight. (SWDB)
Make the Sign of the Cross, Stranger!

Giù le mani... Carogna!
Demofilo Fidani
Jack Betts, Gordon Mitchell
This audaciously dishonest spaghetti western from prolific director Demofilo Fidani (using the pseudonym "Lucky Dickerson") was created piecemeal using lengthy sequences from Fidani's previous films. The premise has legendary gunslinger Django (Hunt Powers) recounting some of his greatest adventures to a rapt Wild Bill Hickock (Gerardo Rossi as Jerry Ross) in a saloon. The stories which Django tells are entire scenes from such Fidani films as Arrivano Django e Sartana... E la Fine! (1970), Inginocchiati Straniero... i Cadaveri non Fanno Ombra (1971), and Quel Maledetto Giorno d'Inverno Django e Sartana... all'Ultimo Sangue (1971). Fidani regulars Gordon Mitchell, Dennis Colt and Lucky McMurray also appear.
Down with Your Hands... You Scum!

Calde Labbra
Demofilo Fidani
Claudine Beccarie, Leonora Fani
Francesca is a sixteen-year old troubled woman living with her mother, with whom she has a very conflicting relationship. Shortly before Christmas, she must leave for a business trip, and entrusts a young French teacher, Lise. After the initial mutual distrust, the relationship between the two becomes more and more intimate and accomplice, leading them to become lovers. One day, however, Francesca receives a visit of her friend Monica, and she begins to spend all her free time with her and this stirs up Lise's jealousy.
The French Governess

Più tardi Claire, più tardi...
Brunello Rondi
Gary Merrill, Elga Andersen
Italy, the early 19th century. A villa is the home of a small English community, all rich and superficial people lounging about in its beautiful surroundings. Claire, George's wife, and Robert, her son, are murdered by a mysterious killer. Thinking the murderer is one of the family, distraught George devises a plan to unmask the culprit. Having met a woman, Ann, who is a dead ringer for Claire, he takes her back to the villa and announces their imminent marriage. Ann is considered an outsider and treated with contempt and hostility, while George fails to find any significant clue to the solution: everybody is to be blamed, at least morally, but the final revelation is more bitter than expected...
Run, Psycho, Run

Arrivano Django e Sartana... è la fine
Demofilo Fidani, Diego Spataro
Jack Betts, Franco Borelli
A gang of vicious outlaws lead by the crazed Black Burt Keller abduct Jessica Colby and decide to flee to Mexico. Shrewd bounty hunter Django and saintly roving gunslinger Sartana join forces to rescue the poor lass from the gang's vile clutches.
Django and Sartana Are Coming... It's the End