Sara Marković
2021Na crnoj listi
Nikola Dragović, Sara Marković
Martin Angelov, Milena Atanasova
Dejan is an ordinary guy living in post-communist country. But each time a Chinese delegation visit his country, he’s treated as public enemy: state security taps his phones and tails both him and his family. The reason is he’s practising Falun Gong. But what is Falun Gong? Why is it banned and persecuted in China and what is the connection with Serbia? By following the events on the margins of Chinese Summit held in Belgrade in 2014, when police unlawfully detained 11 Falun Gong activists, we discover a story. The activists were held to avoid spreading the truth about Falun Gong in China. Through their testimony in this film, as well as Dejan’s exclusive video materials, the truth is finally brought to the light of the day. It's the bitter truth about China and the whole world we live in.
The Blacklisted

Damir Romanov, Ivan Pecikoza
Ljiljana Dragutinović, Jovo Maksić
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.