Lars Lennart Forsberg
1933 - 2012Filmen som inte blev av
Stefan Berg, Kjell Tunegård
Göran Gabrielsson
What happens to a person's self when she retires and no longer has the job to lean on? Documentary filmmaker Lars Lennart Forsberg asked that question to about ten retirees but never had the chance to complete his project. Olle Häger and Kjell Tunegård had to take over and let the e-mails exchanged between Lars Lennart Forsberg and Olle Häger become keys to "The Film That Didn't Get Made".
The Film That Didn't Get Made

Lars Lennart Forsberg
Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson, Svante Grundberg
Pettersson is a hard working director in the porn industry with two strippers and a naked gay in his shows. One day, after a little bridge accident, he meets Henrietta and falls in love. The film is based on a novel named "Henrietta skall du också glömma" by Stig Claesson.

På palmblad och rosor
Lars Lennart Forsberg
Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson, Gunnel Fred
Real estate broker Oskarsson visits a cabin deep in the woods. There he finds a bedridden and mute old woman who seems well cared for. There has recently been a fire in the stove, there is food in the fridge, but no trace of who cares for her.
På palmblad och rosor

Lars Lennart Forsberg
Knut Pettersen, Björn Granath
The rebellious socialist Knut is subjected to a mental evaluation after he assaults a stranger on the street. Psychologist looking track Knuts aggression in childhood experiences while Knut himself sees them as a natural reaction to the class society's oppression.
Assault and Battery

Hans-Christian och Sällskapet
Lars Lennart Forsberg
Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Per Oscarsson
Hans-Christian is a middle-aged priest who in the shadow of World War II decides to form a geographic association aiming at increased understanding between countries and people.
Hans Christian and the Geographic Society

Hur avlångt är egentligen detta land?
Lars Lennart Forsberg
Stig Claesson
Writer Stig Claesson and director Lars Lennart Forsberg travel around Sweden during the summer to see if the country that people imagine it to be actually exists.
Hur avlångt är egentligen detta land?

Kristoffers hus
Lars Lennart Forsberg
Thommy Berggren, Agneta Eckemyr
Kristoffer lives on the verge of poverty, just barely supporting himself on his photographic work and an allowance given him by his ex-wife to support their child. He is staying in his absentee mother's large old house, which she is preparing to sell. When he takes a photograph of a man who died by his own hand, the image fascinates him. He grows obsessed with the dead man's story and pushes his research as far as it will go.
Kristoffers hus

Störst av allt
Lars Lennart Forsberg
Frida Hallgren, Sven-Bertil Taube
A young female journalist suddenly finds out that who she believed was her father is not that at all. Her real father is the well-known politician and union boss, who 28 years ago betrayed both her and her mother.
Störst av allt