Ricky Tognazzi
1955 (69 лет)La famiglia
Ettore Scola
Vittorio Gassman, Fanny Ardant
"The Family," an album with a velvet cover, is meant to touch the extended family of man. Formal portraits, bookends in this 80-year saga, enclose the central story, which opens with the baptism of Carlo, a baby in his grandfather's lap, and ends with Carlo as a grandfather with a baby in his arms. And never once do we get out of the house, whose rooms provide the film's structure. Comfort or passion? Carlo couldn't really decide until it was too late.
The Family

A Simple Story
Emidio Greco
Gian Maria Volonté, Ennio Fantastichini
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
A Simple Story

Making Love
Ricky Tognazzi
Hans Matheson, Mélanie Thierry
Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie.
Making Love

A Season of Giants
Jerry London
F. Murray Abraham, Mark Frankel
Микеланджело Буонарроти (1475 — 1564), гений, чье имя стало символом эпохи Возрождения. Его жизнь была полна взлетов и падений, трагедий и любви. Он знал, что такое нищета, отчаяние, одиночество. И что такое — медные трубы всеобщего восхищения. Никчемный каменотес, как называл его родной отец, не понимавший одержимого стремления юного Микеланджело посвятить себя искусству, стал величайшим скульптором и живописцем (а еще — архитектором, поэтом и мыслителем). Давид, Пьета в соборе святого Петра в Ватикане, фрески Сикстинской капеллы… Разве можно представить нашу жизнь без этих удивительных и прекрасных произведений? Этот фильм переносит нас в Рим и Флоренцию конца XV — начала XVI веков и погружает в драматичнейший период истории Италии.
A Season of Giants

The Good Pope: Pope John XXIII
Ricky Tognazzi
Bob Hoskins, Carlo Cecchi
Angelo Roncalli, born in Sotto Il Monte in 1881, is known for his profound spirituality as well as his extraordinary goodness from the young years of his life. When he feels a need to serve God, Angelo goes to study theology in Bergamo, and in Apollinare School (Rome) and becomes a priest. During his studies, he gets to know his two dearest friends, Mattia and Nicola. Very soon, most people see marvelous talents in him, including his wide knowledge and a constant readiness for sacrifice. The Holy See makes him go further to bishop and cardinal, and the Holy Father sends him to various places as a representative of the Church. When Pius XII dies on October, the 9th, 1958, 77 year-old Angelo goes to Rome, to conclave to choose a new pope. However, this time, it is him who hears gentle words of Jesus "Tu es Petrus!" ("You are Peter!") and from October, the 28th leads the church as pope John XXIII
The Good Pope

Caruso Pascoski di padre polacco
Francesco Nuti
Francesco Nuti, Clarissa Burt
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Caruso Pascoski (di padre polacco)