Henk van der Linden
2021Henk van der Linden heeft diverse records op zijn naam staan. Zo is hij is de meest productieve filmer van Nederland. Geen enkele andere Nederlandse filmer heeft zoveel hoofdfilms geproduceerd als van der Linden. Zijn film "De Nieuwe avonturen van Dik Trom" staat in het Guiness Book of Records als de langst lopende Nederlandse speelfilm ooit: deze draaide maar liefst 28 jaar onafgebroken in een of meerdere bioscopen.
Sjors en Sjimmie in Het Land Der Reuzen
Henk van der Linden
Rudy Dost, Jopie Ayal
George and Jimmy travel all the way to Taskara. A rich Chinese man wants them to bring back the rare mineral OQ-4. But Taskara is inhabited by giants and, unfortunately, crooks Boris and Pedro are sniffing around too.
George & Jimmy in the Land of Giants

Lieverdjes uit Amsterdam
Henk van der Linden
Kitty and Inge are two sisters from Amsterdam who are on holiday in Limburg. During their stay they hear about a mysterious criminal on the loose named "the black rider" on the radio. To their surprise, they encounter a man dressed in black walking around in the forest...
Lieverdjes uit Amsterdam

De Nieuwe Avonturen van Dik Trom
Henk van der Linden
Sjefke Nievelstein, Rinus Bonekamp
Usually, Dik Trom thinks of only two things: food and mischief. He is always pulling pranks with his friends, driving local police officer Flipse to despair. But now Dik and his friends have decided to better their lives in an effort to get blind Nelly eye surgery. 'New Adventures of Dik Trom' made the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running Dutch film; it played in multiple theatres for over 28 years.
New Adventures of Dik Trom

Vier Rakkers en Een Oude Jeep
Henk van der Linden
Jos van der Linden, Nico Kwerreveld
A poor shoemaker and his wife inherit a farm in the southern province of Limburg. However, the farm has been heavily mortgaged by local real estate agent Bol who is planning to get his hands on the land -- which will soon be mined and therefore worth a fortune. With the help of their trusty German Shepherd Tarzan, the shoemaker's four young nephews decide to do something about it.
Vier Rakkers en Een Oude Jeep

Dik Trom en het Circus
Henk van der Linden
Tonny van Schendel, No Bours
When Dik Trom sees that Old Kee is evicted from her house because she can’t pay the rent, he decides to make sure she can stay. When the circus comes to the village, he competes for the first prize by staying on a bucking donkey.
Dik Trom and the Circus