Adam Parrish King
2021Cinema16: American Short Films
Standish Lawder, George Lucas
CINEMA16 celebrates the short film by showcasing some of the best classic and award-winning shorts on DVD. With over three hours of films CINEMA16: AMERICAN SHORT FILMS is essential viewing for anyone with an interest in the moving image. Films include Gus Van Sant's 1982 adaptation of a William S. Burroughs short story, The Discipline Of DE, Tim Burton's early stop motion animated classic Vincent, George Lucas' USC short Freiheit, Alexander Payne's previously unreleased UCLA graduation short Carmen, Paperboys by Mike Mills, D.A. Pennebaker's Duke Ellington scored Daybreak Express, Todd Solondz's NYU short Feelings, along with Oscar Winner The Lunch Date by Adam Davidson, Stefan Nadelman's multi- award winning documentary Terminal Bar, Joe Nussbaum's cult classic George Lucas In Love and 2006 Sundance Winner The Wraith Of Cobble Hill by Adam Parrish King. Films are subtitled in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese, and include commentaries from many of the directors involved.
Cinema16: American Short Films

The Wraith of Cobble Hill
Adam Parrish King
When teenager Felix, from a deadbeat Brooklyn home, is asked by Mr. H, the kindly corner store owner, to mind his dog while he's away, it's up to Felix to either reciprocate the benevolence Mr. H has always shown him, or perpetuate the neglect handed down as a family legacy.
The Wraith of Cobble Hill