Arild Østin Ommundsen
Arild Østin Ommundsen
Pia Tjelta, Kristoffer Joner
Pia is coming home for Christmas after traveling in England for about 6 months. She wants to catch up with her boyfriend, Kristoffer, who was supposed to have joined her on the trip, but backed out at the last minute. Finding him, however, is turning out to be quite a task. While searching, she meets several more or less disgruntled and dissatisfied people. And when Santa turns up things start happening...

It’s Only Make Believe
Arild Østin Ommundsen
Silje Salomonsen, Vegar Hoel
After serving 10 years in prison for murder, Jenny returns to society. She wants to live a quiet life and resume her responsibilities as a mother, but soon shadows from the past start to appear.
It’s Only Make Believe

Now It's Dark
Arild Østin Ommundsen
Silje Salomonsen, Per Kjerstad
When Lene seeks out her estranged husband in hope of reconciliation she finds him in bed with a new lover. Shocked, she flees the scene and embarks on a journey through the night that takes her on an existential rollercoaster ride of dreamlike encounters and into some very dark places.
Now It's Dark

Knerten i knipe
Arild Østin Ommundsen
Adrian Grønnevik Smith, Åsleik Engmark
I den tredje filmen om Knerten har Lillebror og familien hans flyttet. Knerten har fått en sønn, Lille-Knerten, og lykken er stor. Men mor og far er bekymret for Lillebror. De har bodd i Bessby i et par måneder, men han har fremdeles ikke fått seg noen nye venner. Lillebror bryr seg ikke. Han liker ikke de andre guttene i gata uansett, og dessuten har han jo Knerten. De to gjør en avtale om ikke å ha noen andre venner. For alltid. Men en dag forsvinner Knerten sporløst…
Twigson in Trouble

Arild Østin Ommundsen
Christian Rubeck, Fridtjov Såheim
Stavanger is no longer a small fishing town on the West Coast of Norway. People are wealthier, the cars more expensive and the houses more luxurious. In the middle of this materialistic everyday reality is Jonny Kristiansen, an up and coming 25 year old broker. Hungry for money and success, he is pulled into an unscrupulous financial world. Jonny takes off and aims at becoming the richest and most powerful at whatever cost.