Ashley Miller
2021The House of Fear
Ashley Miller, John Ince
Arnold Daly, Sheldon Lewis
On the advice of his friend Pendleton, Ashton Kirk, a scholar and amateur detective, pays a visit to a house whose occupants, Charles Cramp and his sister Grace, complain of strange happenings involving Mexicans. Discussions with Ashton's agent in Mexico reveal that Cramp's father was once an engraver, who, in desperate need of cash, had agreed to supply Alva, a notorious thief, with forged currency plates. After a change of heart, Cramp refused to deliver the plates to Alva, and now Cramp's aunt, Miss Hohenlo, has come to her brother's home to find them herself. The clever Ashton realizes that the Mexicans are cohorts of Alva's and eventually uncovers an elaborate signalling and tunnel system used by Miss Hohenlo and Alva to locate the missing plates. Deciphering a message announcing the time and place of the arrival of the Mexicans, Ashton and his aides hide themselves in the house cellar, capture the thieves and destroy the plates.
The House of Fear

A Japanese Peach Boy
Ashley Miller
Madame Pilar-Morin, Gladys Hulette
The story begins with the finding of a wonderful peach which comes floating down a small stream and is brought to shore by a little Japanese woman, who takes it to her home. It there transpires that she and her husband are still mourning the loss of a baby, and the wonderful peach when it is cut brings healing to their sorrow, for as the father's hands separate the two parts of the luscious fruit, between them miraculously appears the figure of a tiny baby.
A Japanese Peach Boy

A Christmas Carol
Ashley Miller, Charles Kent
Marc McDermott, Charles Ogle
The day before the Christmas holiday, Ebenezer Scrooge, a hard-fisted miser, refuses to contribute to the Charity Relief Committee, and then rudely rejects his nephew Fred when he visits Scrooge in his office. When Scrooge returns home, he sees the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley, who warns him of the punishment he will suffer in the next life if he does not change his ways. That night, Scrooge is visited by three more spirits, who show him his past, the present, and the future that awaits him.
A Christmas Carol

Children Who Labor
Ashley Miller
Robert Conness, Miriam Nesbitt
The father of a working class family is having trouble finding a job, because the local textile mill is hiring only inexpensive child labor. Reluctantly, he allows his oldest daughter to work in the mill. Meanwhile, in New York, the wealthy businessman Hanscomb is being urged to speak out against child labor, but he declines to do so. Then, while Mrs. Hanscomb and her daughter are traveling, the young girl accidentally wanders away, gets lost, and is taken in by the working class family. To help them, she takes a job in the mill. While this is taking place, Hanscomb has initiated a search for the daughter even as he goes about building up his financial empire.
Children Who Labor

A Suffragette in Spite of Himself
Ashley Miller
Marc McDermott, Miriam Nesbitt
This film is unusual for an Edison film, in that the film crew actually went to Britain to take footage of their suffragettes in action. In particular, they are there to get footage of the militant suffragettes--the ones who handcuffed themselves to buildings or broke windows because of their rage over having no right to vote.
A Suffragette in Spite of Himself

At the Masquerade Ball
Ashley Miller
George Lessey, Edna Flugrath
A short comedy about the romance between Margaret and John. At a masked ball at the home of John's mother, Margaret is suspected of stealing jewellery. When the misunderstanding is cleared up, nothing more stands in the way of their romance.
At the Masquerade Ball