Feliks Falk
1941 (84 года)Samowolka
Feliks Falk
Robert Gonera, Aleksander Gawek
Do jednostki wojskowej przyjeżdżają nowi poborowi. Starsi koledzy ostrzegają ich przed Tygrysem, byłym kryminalistą, faktycznym władcą kompanii, słynącym z bezwzględności i sadyzmu. Co gorsza jest on w praktyce bezkrany, gdyż przełożeni chociaż wiedzą o jego wybrykach, nie reagują. Już pierwsze dni służby wystawiają cierpliwość świeżo upieczonych "kotów" na ciężką próbę. Grupka starszych żołnierzy, czekających na przejście do rezerwy bije, upokarza i demoluje dobytek poborowych. Ich okrucieństwu i złośliwości najodważniej próbuje przeciwstawić się niejaki Kowalski.

Lato Milosci
Feliks Falk
Sergey Shnyryov, Darya Poverennova
Alexandre is a young medical student who is holidaying at his uncle's country home for the summer. He begins a lustful love affair with his cousin Sonia, but his attentions quickly rift towards her beautiful Polish friend, Nathalie.
Summer of Love

Feliks Falk
Urszula Grabowska, Sara Knothe
In an era in which it is difficult for the true emotion and excitement, Feliks Falk found the key to the human heart. How many of us love? How much we are able to self-sacrifice? Is there a price that can not pay, when it comes to life of a loved one? Are we really as good as we think about yourself? In Joanna's life is given forever. Today's friend suddenly becomes an enemy. Reflex heart turns into a curse. When one of the lonely woman takes care of little girls-czynkę do not know that from now on, her life will be sweet - bitter taste. Fate in this film is everything. Allows people to find that in a moment blow and lead to separation. After-forgives love, for which you have to pay a huge price. Fulfills the promise of happiness loneliness, brittle as glass.

Feliks Falk
Jerzy Stuhr, Krzysztof Zaleski
Jerzy Stuhr plays a high school teacher with a sensitive outlook on life and a soft spot for students who like art and literature as passionately as he does. His adversary is a possessed sports instructor, gaining growing control over the students and authorities. His methods are questionable and his influence dangerous, but the handball team's prospects look good and the school needs success...

Był Jazz
Feliks Falk
Bożena Adamek, Michal Bajor
Set in 1952, film tells the story of young musicians playing - then forbidden - jazz music in basements and attics around Poland. The group hires itself to social parties, youth dances, etc, each time waiting for the management to disappear in order to shift gears to hot music. The crowd either loves it or does not know what to do. Occasionally they are harassed by the police.
And All That Jazz

Feliks Falk
Borys Szyc, Grzegorz Wolf
An arrogant medical man discovers there's more to his new patient than he imagined in this drama from Polish filmmaker Feliks Falk. Dr. Konstanty Grot (Borys Szyc) is an ambitious young doctor who is determined to make a name for himself, to the point that his wife often accuses him of being more interested in his career than in her. Grot believes that he can earn the respect of his peers by successfully treating a supposedly incurable patient, and he believes he may have found a likely candidate in Pawel Plocki (Grzegorz Wolf), a mental patient who can barely function. Grot signs Plocki out of the mental hospital where he's been treated for years and moves him into his own home; in time, Plocki shows genuine improvement, and Grot thinks he?s beaten the state medical establishment at their own game. But that?s before Grot learns some secrets about his patient that cast his condition in a new and disturbing light.
Case Unknown

Daleko od siebie
Feliks Falk
Joanna Jeżewska, Henryk Talar
Марцин Боровский случайно встречает Марию, подругу студенческих лет. Она живёт во Львове и воспитывает восьмилетнего сына. Боровский начинает догадываться, что это его сын, и приглашает их к себе в Польшу. В Польше случается беда. Марию убивают бандиты, а мальчик не хочет оставаться с Марцином и убегает во Львов…
Far from the Other

Feliks Falk
Witold Dębicki, Janusz Gajos
In 1969 a young writer decides to write an essay on a well known Polish writer, who had to leave the country in the 50's, later living, working and dying in exile. He slowly assembles the character and even the exterior appearances of his idol until his own identity tragically disappears.

Obrazki z życia
Barbara Sass-Zdort, Andrzej Kotkowski
Bogdan Baer, Bożena Dykiel
Seven different stories tell us about interesting court cases from Poland. First tells us about romance, second about a young wannabe actress, third about a girl who escapes home with a music band, fourth about a divorce, fifth about a quarrel between two girls concerning a man, sixth about stolen soaps, seventh about a false writer.
Pictures from Life