Natalya Nazarova
1969 (55 лет)The Daughter
Alexandr Kasatkin, Natalya Nazarova
Mariya Smolnikova, Vladimir Mishukov
Inna lives with her dad and little brother in a small town. Her life changes when a new girl, Masha, comes to her school. They become friends. But Masha is murdered by a maniac serial killer, who kills teenage girls in the town. Inna goes to church for the funeral service. There she meets the priest's son Ilya, whose sister was also murdered.
The Daughter

Maxim Korostyshevsky
Oksana Korostyshevskaya, Aleksandr Baluev
In the same world two sisters live. One of which was largely unlucky at the very beginning of life: Ulyana is a "gable child" who, by the age of thirty, had preserved the outlook, behavior and reactions of a ten-year-old girl. The second - Lisa - was not even luckier. She is a healthy person whose life is completely dependent on a disabled sister who voluntarily or involuntarily destroys the plans of her ambitious sister actress.
Stupid Woman

Простой карандаш
Natalya Nazarova
Nadezhda Gorelova, Vladimir Mishukov
Antonina, an artist from Saint Petersburg, follows her husband, a political prisoner, to the deep north province of Russia. As she starts teaching art in a local school, she finds herself opposed by a twelve-year-old boy, Misha, whose brother is a feared local gang leader.
The Pencil

Petersburg: Only for Love
Natalya Kudryashova, Renata Litvinova
Renata Litvinova, Anna Mikhalkova
Petersburg. A Selfie comprises seven novellas about the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, Russia, shot by female directors. The film tells a story of a real, living and breathing city, rather than a mythical phantasm. Each novella tells its own story about love and loneliness, luck and hope.
Petersburg: Only for Love

Плакать нельзя
Natalya Nazarova
Dirk Martens, Svetlana Chuikina
A Russian emigrant in Scandinavia sends her son to school, but he does not return. In search of a child, she finds herself in a dead end: according to the laws of the "new" juvenile justice, her son is the property of the state.
You Can't Cry

Natalya Nazarova
Mariya Smolnikova, Vladimir Svirskiy
Yana lives in the northern sea town. She collects stamps and is waiting for her father, who has long abandoned his family. Yana does not hope that he will return, she just loves to wait and believes that this is the quality of real philatelists. Yana is a very strong person, the effects of cerebral palsy are almost invisible, and the slight claudication and a certain oddity, in her opinion, only give her an additional charm. True, Kolya, Yana's friend, does not think so. The girl is upset that he does not see a woman in her ... Once on the beach, Yana meets a sailor. Peter is a very attractive man and also a collector. Collector of women. A short-lived novel flares up, and Yana becomes part of his “album”. Peter, as befits a sailor, goes to the sea, but Yana is happy: fine, when there is someone to wait for, even if this person never appears in her life again. After all, our whole life is an expectation.

Любовный треугольник
Alexandr Ermolin, Baybulat Batullin
Lev Kotkin, Mariya Korytova
Иногда мы связываем себя отношениями, в которых оказываемся, как в плену. Это происходит по разным причинам. Но если вы встретите свою настоящую любовь - бегите! Бегите ей навстречу со всех ног! Не нужно терпеть отношения, в которых вы несчастны! Этой теме посвящены три новеллы фильма «Любовный треугольник».В романтической комедии «Половинки» к главному герою накануне свадьбы в буквальном смысле слова примагничивается незнакомая девушка. Разъединить их не представляется возможным - медицина бессильна. Такое положение дел станет настоящей проверкой на прочность чувств главного героя. В любовной притче «Чистый взгляд» обычная примерка очков в оптике превращается в философский диспут о природе любви. В мелодраме «Кошмар на курорте» девушка Лиза уехала в отпуск к морю, чтобы разобраться в себе и своих чувствах к мужу. Но сталкивается с излишним вниманием со стороны местного жителя. И что бы она ни делала становится только хуже.
Любовный треугольник

Русское краткое. Выпуск 3
Sofiya Safonova, Alisa Khmelnitskaya
Inessa Torbitc, Egor Rudi
Exactly five stories from different parts of Russia - from Arkhangelsk to Sakhalin. The modern romantic comedy "Firefly" was filmed in Severodvinsk. The musical film “Not for the River” from Arkhangelsk is dedicated to the ability to establish strong, like sea knots, relationships. The Kazan traffic police officer on duty on the highway, opening the trunk of a stopped car, changes his life forever (“Lost Path”). The heroine of the novel "Tamara" from Krasnoyarsk, showing a hard character in her work, will be helpless in her personal life. The Sakhalin short film "In the arms of the sea" in a poetic manner tells the story of true friendship and farewell.
Russian Shorts. Vol. 3

Natalya Nazarova
Samal Yeslyamova, Nikita Tabunshchik
The regional center is not the center of paradise, but a small settlement, lost in the Orenburg steppes. the bus station, where regular buses arrive from all over the area, is a place of meeting and parting. This is where Radik, the protagonist of the story, comes to meet his older sister Rita, who is to take custody of him and his brothers and sisters. A large amount of money falls into the hands of the boy, which he wants to appropriate. But money is always a temptation. And temptation is where the main plot of humanity began.
District Center