Richard Rich
2021He is one of the few animation directors to have never worked as animator.
Lord, I Believe
Richard Rich
Ivan Crosland, John Nicolaysen
Lord, I Believe is a collection of three stories where Jesus teaches His disciples the power of faith. First, a kind Roman centurion pleads for his dying servant. The servant is healed because he asked in faith with nothing doubting. Saying “weep not,” Jesus raises the son of the poor widow of Nain. Lastly, a man with weak faith begs the Master to make his son whole, as Jesus answers, “all things are possible to him that believeth.”
Lord, I Believe

The Savior in America
Richard Rich
In the years following the sign of Jesus’ birth the Nephites grow wicked. Then a great storm and earthquakes ravage the land, followed by three days of darkness. When hope seems lost, the resurrected Savior appears in glory to the Nephites. He ministers, preaches, and calls disciples to His work. His perfect love and teachings cause the Nephites to be spiritually changed and live peacefully.
The Savior in America

Animated Hero Classics: Florence Nightingale
Richard Rich
Lisa Hart, Barry Kraft
At the height of the Crimean War, English soldiers were wounded and dying by the hundreds. Into the rat and flea-infested facilities stepped a woman of uncompromising convictions, great patience and an iron will. Florence Nightingale, “The Lady of the Lamp,” changed the science and practice of nursing all over the world.
Animated Hero Classics: Florence Nightingale

Samuel the Boy Prophet
Richard Rich
Ray Porter, James Arrington
In keeping with her vow, Hannah dedicates her child to God. From his days as a young boy serving Eli, the high priest, to guiding the ancient Israelites, Samuel the prophet stands as an inspiring example of how we, too, can delight in our relationship with God. This story brings to life several episodes from the life of Samuel and invites all to discover the joy of faithful service to God.
Samuel the Boy Prophet

Animated Hero Classics: Abraham Lincoln
Richard Rich
Over a century ago, only one man stood in the way of the disintegration of the United States of America—and he was a gangly, storytelling country lawyer from Illinois with no political experience at the national level. And yet by the sheer force of his will and his uncompromising stand on critical issues, Abraham Lincoln not only saved the nation but carved out an immortal place in world history.
Animated Hero Classics: Abraham Lincoln

Abinadi and King Noah
Richard Rich
Abinadi courageously stands before wicked King Noah and his evil priests, calling them to repentance and testifying of Christ. Though Abinadi is killed after fulfilling this mission, his words touch Alma’s heart. Alma, one of the priests, repents and soon brings many people to the waters of baptism as a missionary of the coming Christ. Will these true believers also escape persecution from King Noah?
Abinadi and King Noah

Samuel the Lamanite
Richard Rich
Samuel the Lamanite preaches of the birth of Jesus Christ and the sign of His coming but wicked Nephites drive Samuel from their city. Some Nephites believe Samuel but they are threatened with death for their beliefs. Will they be killed by Giddianhi and the evil Gadianton robbers before the sign is fulfilled?
Samuel the Lamanite

The Tree of Life
Richard Rich
The prophet Lehi had a dream that brought joy and concern for the eternal welfare of his family. The symbols of Lehi’s dream contain teachings important to us even today. The meaning behind the symbols are brought to life, from the mists of darkness to the great and spacious building. The importance of holding— and helping others grasp— the iron rod so that we can partake of the fruit of eternal life becomes clear.
The Tree of Life

Animated Hero Classics: Louis Pasteur
Richard Rich
The great French scientist, struggling with his own limitations from a stroke, is not deterred by scientific criticism nor failed experiments. Pasteur had the courage to look into the unseen world and his perfected vaccines are his gifts to mankind.
Animated Hero Classics: Louis Pasteur

Richard Rich
Victoria Lindley, Phil Hubbard
When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, are left as widows, Naomi begs them to return to their own people. Orpah agrees, but Ruth declares she will never forsake Naomi and accompanies her mother-in-law back to Israel. Her faithfulness is rewarded when Naomi’s kinsman, Boaz, falls in love with Ruth and marries her.

Helaman's Stripling Warriors
Richard Rich
The people of Ammon, a group of Lamanites, take an oath to never kill again. They rear their children with great faith. One day the wicked Ammoron threatens the peace. 2,000 young men, not bound by the covenant of their parents, are led by Helaman to defend their people. Despite their youth and inexperience these stripling warriors bravely fight because they trust their mothers’ promise that they will not be harmed.
Helaman's Stripling Warriors

Richard Rich
Jonathan Best, Ray Porter
Babylonian forces invade Jerusalem and carry away many of the city’s finest young people, including Daniel and his three young friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. In captivity, the youths are in the king’s service and outperform all their rivals— pleasing the king and frustrating their enemies. When Darius, the new king, makes Daniel his first president, Daniel’s enemies plan a trap to have him killed. When Daniel survives being thrown in the lions’ den, he proves that God still rules over the affairs of men.

The Brother of Jared
Richard Rich
Mahonri, the brother of Jared, is a righteous man in wicked Babel. After the tower of Babel is destroyed and the language of the people is confused, the Lord shows Mahonri how to build barges to carry the righteous across the sea to the Promised Land. When the brother of Jared asks the Lord to touch stones to light the barges, his faith is so strong that he receives a great revelation.
The Brother of Jared

Alma the Younger
Richard Rich
Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah rebel against their parents and work to destroy the church of Christ. In answer to their parents’ prayers, they are visited by an angel. Alma is struck as if dead and his soul suffers the torment of sin. Alma later awakes as new person, converted by the mercy of Jesus Christ. Alma and Mosiah’s sons become the greatest missionaries in the Book of Mormon. Mosiah 26–28; and Alma 36.
Alma the Younger