David O'Reilly
1985 (39 лет)Everything: Gameplay Film
David O'Reilly
Alan Watts
It's a simulation of reality where you can see the world from everything's point of view - it's kind of a philosophy project in the form of a game. There is no narrative or story - just the world as it is. Everything: Gameplay Film is an overview of David O'Reilly video game of the same name, crafted as a short film with a narration by Alan Watts

Octocat Adventures
David O'Reilly
On March 13, 2008, a YouTube user named RANDYPETERS1, a 9-year-old boy from Chicago, submitted a handdrawn animated video about Octocat, a red cat head with eight long legs looking for his parents. The videos featured crude MS Paint animation and a loud, highpitched, childlike voice narrating. On September 7, the fifth, final episode was released, but featured an unexpected twist - about 20 seconds into it, the crude sketchy animation switched to intricately crafted 3D with an orchestral soundtrack; the whole Octocat story (and as such, the Randy Peters persona) was revealed to be by David O'Reilly.[8] In an interview he said "I wanted to try experimenting with the Youtube audience and Microsoft Paint. The story for Octocat came to me by reading the bible word-for-word backwards"
Octocat Adventures

Eye of the Dream
David O'Reilly
This work depicts the creation of the Universe - beginning moments before the Big Bang, it shows the development of life and progresses into our modern world. A ballet choreographed by math, generating beautifully complex and organic structures, with each show different from the last.
Eye of the Dream