Valeriya Gay Germanika
1984 (41 год)Папа
Valeriya Gay Germanika
The father of the Director Valeria Gai Germanica, the 91-year-old Alexander Brown, is deeply saddened by the death of his beloved wife. He goes on a summer trip together with the family of his daughter. Together they fly to the sea, and little by little the trip to Italy and Greece takes on the dimensions of an ancient tragedy: mortal danger and miraculous salvation, difficulties in translation and conflicts between generations. Human life turns out to be a journey full of emotions that can hardly be borne.

Vladimir Kott
Nikolai Dobrynin, Boris Kamorzin
In present day Moscow three childhood friends in their forties - former school band players - live their everyday lives of a police officer, a taxi driver and a surgeon. They have lost track of each other. Three stories of betrayal, love and ageing are told in parallel. In fact, unknown to our heroes, their paths cross and their lives become connected. But they are not aware of it even when they reunite for a breaking performance at their graduation anniversary.

Everybody Dies But Me
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Polina Filonenko, Agniya Kuznetsova
One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...
Everybody Dies But Me

Valeriya Gay Germanika
Ekaterina Poltavtseva, Alexandra Shugaeva
A few summer days of three ordinary Moscow girls on the threshold of adulthood. Farewell to childhood in schoolyards and entrances of sleeping areas, where everything is for the first time and the world is just beginning - from secretly purchased cigarettes and cans with gin and tonic to an adult passport, first love and almost real tragedies.

Yes & Yes
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Agniya Kuznetsova, Alexander Vinogradov
Sasha is a young girl living in a block flat with her family in Moscow. Once she falls in love with Antonin, a bohemian artist and hard drinker. Their short love affair is pulling her down, to the bottom of her subconscious. Overwhelmed with beautiful and frightening visions, she starts to paint - violently, until she can stand on her feet.
Yes & Yes

Мысленный волк
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Yuliya Vysotskaya, Liza Klimova
The film is a parable about fear; it is a story about the attitudes of a mother and daughter deprived of love, who temporarily find mutual understanding, rallied by fear before the story invented by the mother about a cannibalistic wolf. On a philosophical level it is a reflection on the lost purity of thoughts, which is the main condition for the harmony of human life, and yet another illustration of the proverb: “The sleep of reason produces monsters”
The Imagined Wolf

День рождения Инфанты
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Umnitsa Lil, WishMaster
WishMaster, Clever Lil, New, Skunk, Fox, Foxy, CatÖ this is a group of people who reckon that their invented life is much more important and real than what their birth held in store for them. They practice a sado-masochism, creating around their passions the romantic image of another world visible only to them. From the position of ordinary citizens they are no more than perverts with mental deviations. And still, who are they? How do they survive in a world that they call ìvanillaî? And why do they use these strange nicknames and carefully chosen, ominous attributes: flogging scourges or latex suits? What do they see in their hobby that we do not see ñ and never shall see, if we limit ourselves by a documentary approach?
Infanta's Birthday

Valeriya Gay Germanika
The odyssey of two brothers aged nine and eleven: house entrances in Strogino, the motherís apartment, a boarding school, a gipsy camp and gloomy homecomings. Dramatic adventures, as in every road movie, teach the protagonists a lot about the world, and for the first time they are pushed off into loneliness and treachery.

Boris Khlebnikov, Valeriya Gay Germanika
Oleg lives in a small Belarusian village with his wife, three children, and his in-laws. He has practiced more than one trade: ensign, tractor driver, technician at a local school... Then he decides to leave for Moscow to earn extra money: the life of many people compels them to do this (it is always better here we are not). Yet, what reason has Oleg? A closer acquaintance with the life that remains behind in Belarus provides an unexpected answer to this question.
He's Gone

Счастье другими словами
Dmitry Grachev, Valeriya Gay Germanika
Alexandr Vartanov, Daniil Spivakovskiy
Veterans are selected for filming an “artistic provocation” dedicated to the image of an unprotected human body during a war. Only one agrees. In the pavilion, when he is painted in gold and removed, he tells what he was thinking when he went to the front in 1944, assigning to himself one extra year.
Happiness in Other Words

Alexandr Gordon
Grigoriy Dobrygin, Ravshana Kurkova
Лев Николаевич, Леванька, Левочка, как зовут его многочисленные друзья — успешный, гламурный, московский фотограф. Он умный, добродушный. И он абсолютно циничный человек, который может грубить людям. Он живет в мире, в котором талант, успех и слава ценятся превыше всего. В то же время он очень инфантилен, но не отдает себе в этом отчет. Детские страхи все еще внутри него.