Konstantin Bronzit
1965 (59 лет)The 17th Annual Animation Show Of Shows
Isabelle Favez, Katelyn Howes
Mark Hadlow, Winona Mae
A theatrical compilation of new animated shorts, including: The Story of Percival Pilts (Janette Goodey & John Lewis, Australia/New Zealand); Tant de forest (Geoffrey Godet & Burcu Sankur, France); Snowfall (Conor Whelan, Ireland); The Ballad of Holland Island House (Lynn Tomlinson, U.S.); Behind the Trees (Amanda Palmer and Avi Ofer, U.S.); We Can't Live Without Cosmos (Konstantin Bronzit, Russia); Messages Dans L'Air (Isabel Favez, Switzerland); Stripy (Babak Nekooei & Behnoud Nekooei, Iran); Ascension (Thomas Bourdis, Martin de Coudenhove, Caroline Domergue, Colin Laubry & Florian Vecchione, France); Love In The Time of March Madness (Melissa Johnson and Robertino Zambrano, U.S. & Australia); World of Tomorrow (Don Hertzfeldt, U.S.)
The 17th Annual Animation Show Of Shows

Au bout du monde
Konstantin Bronzit
A family lives in a house that teeters precariously on the very tip of a mountain. The balance of the house is affected not only by the family that lives inside, but also their cow, dog, cat, a passing bird, and a man with a couple of sheep who returns in a car. The slopes of the hill themselves also seem rather slippery at times.
At the Ends of the Earth

Уборная история — любовная история
Konstantin Bronzit
A single middle aged lady working as receptionist and cleaner in a public lavatory for men spends her time between chores reading "Happy Woman" and daydreaming about a loving partner. When an unknown man starts leaving flowers at her desk, she gets excited but also increasingly stressed out trying to figure out who is her secret admirer or, perhaps, the prankster.
Lavatory Lovestory

Alesha Popovich and Tugarin the Dragon
Konstantin Bronzit
Oleg Kulikovich, Liya Medvedeva
Alesha Popovich has to catch Tugarin Zmey and bring back the stolen money with the help of a talking Horse (which talks all the time and has an opinion on everything), a wise granny, a donkey and a beauty Lyubava.
Alesha Popovich and Tugarin the Dragon

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!
Konstantin Bronzit
Paul Giamatti
You thought you knew the story of the “The Three Little Pigs”… You thought wrong. In this hysterical and clever fracture fairy tale picture book that twists point of view and perspective, young readers will finally hear the other side of the story of “The Three Little Pigs.”
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!

Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen
Sergey Glezin
Valeri Solovyev, Anna Geller
A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.
Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen

Konstantin Bronzit
The film shows Shiva in a very traditional representation--in bronze and standing within a circle of bronze flames. Suddenly, a fly lands on Shiva's arm--one of many arms to be exact. Slowly, the bronze statue comes alive and swats the fly--missing again and again and eventually smashing the bronze circle.
The God

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf 4
Konstantin Feoktistov, Darina Shmidt
Nikita Efremov, Ivan Okhlobystin
Winter this year in the faraway kingdom happened especially long and cold. Just like last year. And like the year before last. But, lo and behold, spring has come. More precisely – almost came. With a blizzard, frosts and snow. As usual. And our heroes – Ivan, Vasilisa, the Gray Wolf and the Tsar-father would have been completely sad if the news hadn't come along with the almost-spring - the annual all-fairy song contest would be held in the Thirteenth Kingdom. Last year, Georges the hamster won there, and whose voice will be cooler this time? The tsar decided that the Faraway Kingdom would be represented by a scientist Cat. More than one cartoon passed together, and anyway he forgot about the books, yelling, or rather singing all day on the roofs, as befits a cat in March. And, of course, the whole company, led by Ivan and the Wolf, goes to support the fluffy singer.
Ivan Tsarevich & the Grey Wolf 4