Sílvia Lourenço
1976 (49 лет)O Primeiro Dia do Resto da Minha Vida
Karim Aïnouz
Andréia Horta, Vinicius Zinn
Two years after her arrival in São Paulo, Alice continues her relationship with Nicholas and has begun to look for a place where they can live together. She has also launched a business that produces children's shows, and a stable life seems to be taking shape. But as she goes about the apartment search and shares in the loves and uncertainties of old and new friends, what she observes leaves her far less certain of her decisions and her future.
Alice Especial, Part 1: The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Depois de Ser Cinza
Eduardo Wannmacher
Elisa Volpatto, Branca Messina
Three women with completely different backgrounds have one thing in common: they loved and were connected to the same man. From the point of view of these women, through an intricate structure moving back and forth in time, Raul enters the story.
After Being Ashes

O Cheiro do Ralo
Heitor Dhalia
Selton Mello, Paula Braun
A pawn shop proprietor buys used goods from desperate locals – as much to play perverse power games as for his own livelihood, but when the perfect rump and a backed-up toilet enter his life, he loses all control.

Não por Acaso
Philippe Barcinski
Rodrigo Santoro, Leonardo Medeiros
Enio is a middle-aged man who lives in solitude after a failed relationship. Pedro, 30, dates Teresa, who is moving to her home. He inherited a carpentry from his father and a taste for the pool. When a traffic accident crosses the parallel trajectories of the two, the imponderable imposes itself and the uncontrol begins.
Not by Chance

Fucking Different São Paulo
Luciana Lemos, Joana Galvão
Eleven filmmakers from São Paulo, Brazil, unleash a vibrant mix of voices in the fourth installment of producer Kristian Petersen's conceptual short-film series, which gives gay and lesbian filmmakers free reign to tell untold stories. Selections include Gustavo Vinagre's "Dykeland," about an all-girl rock band; Ricky Mastro's "Felizes Para Sempre," about a surprisingly happy marriage; and Joana Galvão's animated "Um Olhar."
Fucking Different São Paulo

O homem das multidões
Cao Guimarães, Marcelo Gomes
Paulo André, Sílvia Lourenço
Juvenal is a metro driver from Belo Horizonte. Margô, a station controller. Both live in a state of complete solitude – each in a particular way. Juvenal refuses to be alone and strolls through the streets of this metropolis taking comfort by mingling with the anonimous crowd. Margo seeks relief in the virtual world of social networks where she struggles to establish long lasting relations with real persons.
The Man of the Crowd

Contra Todos
Roberto Moreira
Leona Cavalli, Sílvia Lourenço
A story about the lies, treachery and vengeance of a middle-class family living on the outskirts of São Paulo. Four characters try desperately to change their lives, but are unable to escape their destiny.
Up Against Them All

Edu Felistoque
Sílvia Lourenço, Priscilla Alpha
32-year-old Janete has her life on hold. With her dad ( a reformed colonel from the military police) facing a death state in the hospital, she does nothing but spend his last days beside him. While waiting for the inevitable end of this painful journey, Janete writes incessantly, sometimes on her laptop, sometimes on a notebook.

Quanto Dura o Amor?
Roberto Moreira
Sílvia Lourenço, Maria Clara Spinelli
Three metropolitan stories entwine in São Paulo. Would-be actress Marina arrives in the city looking for independence, falls madly in love with Justine, a bisexual rock singer, and is swept up into her wild, edgy lifestyle. Marina shares a flat on Avenida Paulista with Suzana, a mysterious transsexual lawyer who begins a relationship with a male colleague who is unaware of her condition. Jay lives a few floors above them. He is a frustrated writer trying to give a meaning to his life by idealizing a stunningly beautiful prostitute, whom he transforms into a sort of muse. Following the frenetic pace of the city, the three "Paulista" characters will experience the euphoria of passion and its downside.

Gosto se Discute
André Pellenz
Cássio Gabus Mendes, Kéfera Buchmann
Augusto is the chef of a fine restaurant, established for years, which is down due to the success of a former pupil, Patrick, who works in a food truck right in the square in front of the establishment. . Due to the situation, the bank, which is also a partner in the restaurant, appoints the strict Cristina to be the new manager. She immediately runs into Augusto, as she wants to change the local routine in order to make it profitable. But, amidst the pressure to create a new menu, Augusto starts to have a rare syndrome that makes him lose his taste buds.
Gosto se Discute