Arvo Iho
2021Well, Come On, Smile
Leida Laius, Arvo Iho
Monika Järv, Hendrik Toompere Jr.
Mari's mom is dead and dad's drinking. Life in an orphanage seems impossible to her, but there's nowhere to go. She has to get used to living without homesickness, brutal among other teenagers and children's. Fortunately, there is a Tauri who behaves well, but who for some reason is not much-loved. Robi, who breaks the rules, on the other hand, is everyone's favourite, although Mari thinks she should hate him. A lesson in seeing other people around you and seeing them under the outer shell is almost unbearable for a girl, but her fate depends on it. Based on Silvia Rannamaa's novel "Stepmother".
Games for Teenagers

Karu süda
Arvo Iho
Rain Simmul, Merle Palmiste
A young Estonian goes to the Siberian Taiga to live as a hunter in a remote forest hut. He hopes to find his true self far from civilisation. The natives he meets introduce him to the myths of the north. The first is a young village teacher who wants to be a good wife to him. The second is a wild and untameable native who becomes his mythical bear-woman. When he accidentally kills a great black bear, his own shadow-creature, he burdens himself with guilt. However, he is given a chance of finding his inner balance. A romantic drama with mythical elements and breathtaking landscapes.
The Heart of the Bear

Arvo Iho
Dmitriy Pevtsov, Ulyana Lapteva
Действие фильма происходит в день завершения Олимпийских игр, 3 августа 1980 года. Накануне и во время Олимпиады власти Москвы проводят «отлов» и высылку за 101-й километр асоциальных элементов. Художник-авангардист Борис попадает под эту категорию, его забирают в милицию, откуда ему удаётся сбежать. Борис скрывается в деревенском сарае, где его обнаруживает 10-летний сына хозяйки — Анны. Анна — женщина 26 лет, второй раз замужем за состоятельным, солидным человеком старше её на двадцать лет. Она ведёт размеренную, тихую и счастливую жизнь… И вдруг судьба сталкивает её с человеком из диаметрально противоположного мира. Между ними возникает сначала неприязнь, а затем… симпатия.

Жертвоприношения Андрея Тарковского
Denis Trofimov
Andrei Tarkovsky, Tonino Guerra
Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Andrei Tarkovsky. The film uses unique materials related to the years Tarkovsky spent in Italy, personal accounts of friends and professionals, the shooting locations of his films, to what degree his works reflects his personal life. The film brings us closer to the man to whom contemporary filmmaking owes so much.
Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky