Dirk Rijneke
2021That's It!
Mildred Van Leeuwaarden, Dirk Rijneke
Paul Verhoeven, Wim Verstappen
In 1980 film writer Ruud den Drijver goes head to head with two notorious Dutch film directors, Paul Verhoeven and Wim Verstappen, passionate film makers, competitors and colleagues in a free for all heated discussion ranging (among other subjects) from oral sex to the art of motion pictures. 25 years later the confrontation is continued during the Cannes Film Festival. In the meantime Wim Verstappen has died a year earlier and Paul Verhoeven has returned from a brilliant career in the States. Paul is still very outspoken. He talks freely about the present-day neo-conservative policies of America, and about the situation in Hollywood and his work. THAT'S IT!!(English title)(1980-2005) is a retrospective view on the careers of two driven film directors and is a hilarious time document larded with passionate statements.
That's It!

Dirk Rijneke
One girl and three boys tell their story. The drugs did great harm to the users. The girl is suffering from a disease caused by the LSD, an opium-user got into prison and a speed-user was treated several times in a clinic. The fourth is still on opium and speed. The film was made for several youth-centers in Rotterdam.
Drug Use

Rock Against Religion
Dirk Rijneke
In this announcement/anti-commercial for the Rock Against Religion concert in Kaasee Rotterdam (1979), you can hear ear-splitting punk by Rode Wig and REVO. Kassee burnt to the ground, the bands disappeared and singer Aram Slappendel only made the headlines again when – in a haze of black magic, speed and LSD – he killed two of his girlfriends and himself.
Rock Against Religion

Groeten uit Rotterdam
Mildred Van Leeuwaarden, Dirk Rijneke
The story of the cultural life in Rotterdam around 1980. In particular, the punk scene does not go unnoticed. The television broadcasting (VPRO) during that time led to strong reactions and severe criticism. Now it is a unique document of a turbulent time, with a direct movie style.
Groeten uit Rotterdam