Nick Cogley
2021 - 1936The Rube and the Baron
Mack Sennett
Mack Sennett, Mabel Normand
Mabel is in love with John, the country boy, but her father wants her to marry a Baron. She is locked up in a room, and her father watches her. John takes a bundle of cloth and makes a big firebrand which he throws into the window, at the same time yelling, "Fire." Dad runs for his life and Mabel jumps through the window into the arms of John, who hurries her to the minister's house. The ceremony is about to take place when Dad and the Baron rush in, and Mabel is led home again.
The Rube and the Baron

Boys Will Be Boys
Clarence G. Badger
Will Rogers, Irene Rich
Peep O'Day, an orphan in a small Kentucky town, falls heir to a small fortune and begins to make up for all the lost pleasure of childhood, but Sublette, a crooked attorney, arranges for an eastern belle to show up as Peep's "niece" to steal his fortune.
Boys Will Be Boys

Sis Hopkins
Clarence G. Badger
Mabel Normand, John Bowers
Sis is an eccentric young girl in a small rural village. While most around Sis view her as a joke, she is loved by Ridy Scarboro, the clerk at the general store. One day Sis's dog knocks an oil can into the Hopkins well and when wealthy old Vibert tastes the water, he believes the Hopkins have an oil strike.....
Sis Hopkins

The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come
Wallace Worsley
Jack Pickford, Clara Horton
An orphan boy from the Kentucky hills joins the Union Army and rescues his adopted family from Morgan's raiders. He learns his real identity when he returns after the war.
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Their First Execution
Mack Sennett
Raymond Hatton, Mack Sennett
A new electric chair has been installed in the prison, and the officials impatiently await the first execution. The victim, with careless disregard for their feelings, makes his escape from the prison. The sleuth goes in pursuit, and finding the discarded convict's garb dons it as a disguise, hoping to meet the hunted man and ingratiate himself. Prison guards capture the sleuth, and disliking to disappoint the waiting crowd, decide to execute him. He is placed in the chair and the current turned on, but he stubbornly resists death. The current is doubled and trebled, to no avail. Meanwhile the real criminal has been captured, and he is brought back in time to save the sleuth from his perilous position.
Their First Execution

His Bread and Butter
Edward F. Cline
Hank Mann, Peggy Pearce
After arranging for wifey to land a job as the café's cashier, Mann warns her not to reveal that they're married, lest proprietor Slim Summerville fire them both. The trouble begins when both Summerville and headwaiter Bobby Dunn fall for Pierce, driving Mann into paroxysms of insane jealousy.
His Bread and Butter

Honest Hutch
Clarence G. Badger
Will Rogers, Mary Alden
Ort Hutchins is a confirmed loafer who spends all of his time fishing while his wife toils over the washtub. One day, while digging for worms, Hutch uncovers a box containing $100,000 in bills, the loot of a bank robbed in the next town. Realizing that he cannot spend the money without arousing suspicion, Hutch resigns himself to taking a job for cover. ...
Honest Hutch