Václav Wasserman
1898 - 1967Dobrý voják Švejk
Karel Steklý
Rudolf Hrušínský, Eva Svobodová
Good-natured and garrulous, Švejk becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the front serve only to prevent him from reaching it. Playing cards and getting drunk, he uses all his cunning and genial subterfuge to deal with the police, clergy, and officers who chivy him toward battle.
The Good Soldier Švejk

The Stolen Airship
Karel Zeman
Michal Pospíšil, Hanuš Bor
The Stolen Airship (Czech: Ukradená vzducholod) is a 1967 live-action/animated film by Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman. The story is based loosely on Jules Verne's novels Two Years' Vacation and The Mysterious Island. The film in Art Nouveau style consists of live-action scenes, generally shot in black and white, as well as hand-drawn, stop motion, and cutout animation. Various live-action and animated elements are often composited into the same scene.
The Stolen Airship

Kdyby tisíc klarinetů
Ján Roháč, Vladimír Svitáček
Jana Brejchová, Waldemar Matuška
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately found by TV station. And soon the military base becomes a stage for huge TV show.
If a Thousand Clarinets

Ztracená tvář
Pavel Hobl
Vlastimil Brodský, Fred Delmare
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
The Borrowed Face

Nejlepší člověk
Ivo Novák, Václav Wasserman
Vlasta Burian, Václav Vydra
Сатирическая комедия, сюжет которой разворачивается где-то около 1900 года. Жителей Петице волнует таинственная посылка, которая должна быть доставлена лучшему человеку этого маленького городка. Конечно, все члены городского совета претендуют на звание лучшего человека. В конце концов, оказывается, что это была хитро продуманная шутка, которая должна была раскрыть истинный характер "лучших людей" города.
The Best Man

Varhaník u sv. Víta
Martin Frič
Karel Hašler, Oskar Marion
The most important silent film by director Martin Frič. Poet Vitezslav Nezval did scenographic modifications to the original story by Václav Wasserman. Film producer Jaroslav Stransky didn’t witness premier; because of fear of financial collapse, he killed himself.
The Organist at St. Vitus' Cathedral