Marcelo Gleiser
2021Quanto Tempo o Tempo Tem
Adriana Dutra
André Comte-Sponville, Marcelo Gleiser
We live in a new age. We are always rushing, rushing for no reason, rushing for nothing. As though time had sped up. Everything implies speed, urgency. But ultimately, why does time seem so short? This film is about the director’s conflict about time and the lack of it in today’s world; she reflects on civilization and the future of existence.
Quanto Tempo o Tempo Tem

How Life Began
Luke Ellis
Robert Hazen, Marcelo Gleiser
Was life triggered by some event, like lightning hitting a pond full of amino acids? Earth was teeming with life billions of years before the dinosaurs existed. Single celled organisms inundated the oceans, and the soil swarmed with living creatures. Where did it all come from and how do you go from a single-celled organism to a trillion-celled organism like man?
How Life Began