Todd Tjersland
2021The Necro Files 2
Matt Jaissle, Todd Tjersland
Isaac Cooper, Steve Sheppard
Murder runs deep in the Logan family. The brother of the maniac (turned zombie) in THE NECRO FILES becomes a crazed cannibal rapist and unwittingly reanimates his evil brother's corpse as a flesh-eating zombie rapist! Together, the pair go on a berserk killing spree in the streets of Seattle! Detectives Sloane and Manners investigate the grisly murders in this over the top sequel to the original cult classic, loaded with sick humor, nudity and gore.
The Necro Files 2

Faces of Gore
Todd Tjersland
Todd Tjersland, Steve Sheppard
Join our fiendish host, Dr. Vincent Van Gore, as he leads you into the forbidden world of the dead. Only the nastiest car accidents, suicides and murders are here; faithfully and explicitly documented through actual crime scene investigations by police and emergency response teams from around the world. Everything you see is real; nothing has been faked. There are no boring autopsies or old World War II footage. Only the best and bloodiest corpses killed within the past 10 years are good enough to become the FACES OF GORE! If you cannot handle smashed brains, bug-eyed corpses and char-boiled fetuses, then DO NOT WATCH THIS DVD! Nothing you have ever seen before can prepare you for this breakthrough new horror film by TODD TJERSLAND, the Visionary Overlord of American Horror!
Faces of Gore