Elisabeth Rygaard
2021Omfavn mig måne
Elisabeth Rygaard
Bora Akkaş, Gürol
A drama of separation seen through the eyes of a seven-year-old boy, Osman, whose parents leave Turkey to work in Europe. Around this drama the expressive Turkish music, the overwhelming nature and traditional poetry unfold — together they form some of the riches Osman carries in his suitcase accompanying him to his new life.
House of Hearts

Ta' det som en mand, frue!
Li Vilstrup, Elisabeth Rygaard
Tove Maës, Berthe Qvistgaard
A middle aged married woman suffers from depression. Her husband suggests she get a dog, but instead she gets a job. Treatment of the women workers leads her into a hilarious fantasy in which roles are reversed and bearded men sit behind typewriters worrying about their looks and what to buy for dinner. She gets involved in a strike and loses her job, but has found some friends and a more positive attitude to life.
Take It Like a Man, Ma'am!